
Monday, August 30, 2010

When in Rome, do as the Romans...

...and when at the 7MSN, do as the 7MSNans? It doesn't have quite the same ring to it, but you know what I mean.

Our weekend guest may be a city girl, but she fit right in 7 miles south of nowhere. She certainly didn't mind getting dirty filthy or being the filling in a George and Hank sandwich.

She was out in the corral bright and early to capture the boys in their most flattering light.

She didn't mind at all when Hank interrupted her photo shoot.

And she gave the big guy more than his share of love and attention.

She was as fascinated with the neighborhood as am I.

She got to meet some other famous longears during her visit.

And she was in the right place at the right time to capture the rumored chain of grooming love.

We can only hope our guest enjoyed her visit as much as we did.


  1. I bet she had the time of her life! Great pictures of the week end ... more to come?

    I got a kick out of the 'chain of grooming love' picture ... how cool is that!?!?!

  2. I ABSOLUTELY love this post and all of the pictures. And, of course, my very, very favorite is the one of Carolynn and Ellsworth.

    Ellsworth is officially head over heels in love with Carolynn. xxoo

  3. OHhhhh... so jealous! But so glad ya'll got to hang out together! And then I see Ellsworth and I have to fight the jealousy again! I'm not really that type of person... Glad ya'll had a good visit and I just can't wait for my turn!

  4. I can only begin to describe how much fun I've been having with Linda and her herd. Of course, my visit with Ellesworth and the gang over at Morningbray was an extra special treat. Gotta go...Wynonna is calling...

  5. Looks like a good time was had by all. It's great to have visitors that appreciate your ranch as much as you do and have as much fun exploring.

  6. The grooming chain! On film!

    Glad you had a wonderful visit. Blogging goes 3-d. Wild.

  7. Looks like everyone had a great time. Love the photo of the chain of grooming love!

  8. Those pics sure tell the story of a fun weekend!

  9. Looks like everyone had a good weekend! Yay! LOVE the Chain of Grooming Love.

  10. A whole weekend at the 7MSN? Delightful! I've spent two partial days, a year apart and probably won't ever get to spend a weekend --- unless I run away from home?

    Now, that's an idea!

  11. Glad to actually see the chain although the drawing was good. This visit looks like a memory maker to me. It would be so hard to leave. That is a great picture on Carolyn between the ears.

  12. I'm jealous. I would like to meet George and Alan. :)

  13. Aww, that's great! I love the photos. I think the longears did her good, cause she sure looks happy!!

  14. I loved the picture of Carolynn loving Ellsworth between the ears. It seemed like you got the short end of the grooming chain of love. I mean having to use both hands to scratch and not getting any scratches in return! I know the guys presence is reward enough though:)

  15. Fabulous. Gave me much vicarious pleasure.

  16. Aw, please tell Carolynn that I think she fits right in at 7MSN! I have a feeling it won't only be the critters who feel a bit sad when she goes home! :-)

  17. That last shot was da bomb!
