
Sunday, August 1, 2010

A view from the trenches

It's been raining here, and no matter how muddy it gets or how treacherous the road becomes, I will not complain. New Mexicans, by law, are not allowed to complain about rain. For us, rain is a precious gift that must be cherished and savored, for it may be months before we see it again.

So when I am gifted with an inch of rain in less than an hour, I run outside and rejoice, and then I grab my slicker, my boots and my shovel and frantically dig trenches.

If I'd had a stash of sandbags, I would have grabbed those, too, but since I didn't, I just kept digging.

Happily, my new trenches successfully diverted the rushing water from the front porch and the sandbags were not needed.

When the storm passed and the floodwaters began to recede, I was concerned about how Wynonna would take to the new obstacle that now came between her and her dining room.

I needn't have worried.

Wynonna's new favorite place to survey her domain is from the trenches.

Post processing: 1. Crop; 2. Remove distracting satellite dishes with clone tool; 3. PW's Lovely and Ethereal action; 4. MCP's Touch of Lightness / Touch of Darkness action to lighten Wynonna's face and darken the edges

Let's hope she has the good sense to go back to the barn when the stream starts running again.


  1. I was looking at all that water and thinking, "Oh my gosh!", and then you talking of trenches and your front porch and I'm like, "Scary!", but then there was Wynonna and I simply had to LOL! Whatta girl taking advantage of the situation ... HA! If the stream starts running again I can see her laying there for a while, enjoying the water/mud.

    The rain sure did a number on your sidewalk. Does it take long for that much rain to be absorbed? I mean in the first couple of pictures it looks like your pasture is a lake!

  2. I think this weather is Pig Perfect! She looks very happy with her new trench.

    Have you seen her doing a rain dance by any chance?

  3. Seems like Wynonna, properly placed, could be a pretty good water-diverter...

  4. I was just thinking the other day that we could all use a good dose of Wynonna right about now. And there she is. The girl is probably waiting for more rain, and more mud!

  5. Wonderful new header by the way! Very creative with that leather branding on the side.

  6. Good example of "happy as a pig in the mud".
    You did get some rain. Sometimes your stories are like watching "Little house on the prairie." Next know what next week will bring.
    I never tire of you explaining how you fix a photo.

  7. Wynonna, you sure look happy! And wasn't it nice of Mom to dig that trench for you? Saves you from having to dig your own when it gets all dry again - lol

    I see you have the lovely red clay like we do here in GA. Maybe you could make some clay pots in your spare time ;-p

  8. gotta love it when animals take it all in stride, good girl Wynonna!

  9. Linda, LOVE your new header! I had to run and show it to hubby! Yes, that is what our desert looks like during our monsoon storms. We haven't had one here in So. Calif desert yet this summer, but I'm sure we will before the end of summer. Glad Wynonna enjoyed the water!

  10. I had to laugh at June's comment. Those are some serious trenches, you must have been digging like crazy!

  11. We lived in Amarillo, TX many years ago and our soil was kinda' like that...hard as cement until the rains came!

    OMG though, pigs love mud and Wynona, classy girl that she is, doesn't mind getting her "dress" a little soiled all in the name of COMFORT. I betcha' she ooohed and aaahed, 7MSN!

    I, too, like your new header. Your pics are always fantastic and even though I don't know beans about all your editing instuctions I love the results. Thanks for such an enjoyable blog!

  12. Wynonna looks quite pleased that you dug that trench for her! :) We've had some pretty good rains here this past week in AZ. A couple of years ago we had a friend come and re-grade around our house with his backhoe. No more water on our porches now-yay!

  13. I bet monsoon season is Wynonna's favorite time of year.

    So are these temporary trenches? Do you have a more permanent water flow plan? We do a good deal of water diversion here too, but we've made it a more permanent solution...

  14. As Don always says, we had a metric buttload of rain here yesterday too. :)

  15. Love the August header. Thanks for letting us watch how you diverted the water. That last photo of Wynonna is perfect.

  16. There are days when many of us feel like Wynonna and would just like to lie down in a mud puddle, no cares in the world. She's an inspiration:-)

  17. I love the header as well, very nice!
    And Wynnona, how cool she gets right in the middle of the situation, pretty smart pig.

  18. Wynonna obviously makes the most of whatever situation she is in. I've done the trench thing but in the winter or spring here as we don't get monsoons. I miss them.

  19. Wynonna is one very smart girl who knows how to make the best of things. Great pictures and a lot of work but I guess water is precious in the desert so it makes it all worthwhile.

  20. I can just imagine her walking up the path then saying, "well how nice! Someone dug a mud bath just for me!!" She looks soooo happy in that last picture.

    And the air looks so clean and fresh. I'll bet it smelled good, too. Do you have sage or anything special that scents the air when it gets wet?

  21. Oh, I also forgot to mention...your header is absolutely gorgeous. I love it.

  22. The new header is glorious. Hank is so handsome. All of your animals are very photogenic and it helps that you know how to capture them in their best light.

    Love that Wynonna found her groove. She's a riot.

  23. You have no idea how happy I was to see the blue sky in the background on those last few shots...Those of us living on, what we affectionately refer to as, the Wet Coast, are like Indian Trackers. We can spot a section of blue sky the size of a dime from a mile away. *grin*

    So happy to see Wynonna enjoying her fresh mud bath.


  24. The new header is stunning! And I love how Wynonna turns a near-disaster into her own pleasure palace!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  25. Happy, happy Piggy!!
    I'm glad you're getting the rain. Too bad so much of it runs away to the arroyos.

  26. I also think the new header is great!

    Wynonna must think you made your back yard into a massive mud bath just for her :).

    We are utterly desperate for rain here, the wildlife is starting to suffer :/

  27. or should it be titled ..."how Wynonna got her groove back." wouldn't it be nice if we could all learn how to make lemonade when life hands us lemons.....or in this case as spa retreat when life gives us a downpour!

  28. Dang it.
    I guessed July 31.

  29. Lol, Wynonna loves it! You made it just for her :)
    Beware, more rain coming your way. We got ours!

  30. SInce I live in the land of torrential downpours and wild and wicked thunderstorms, I have to compliment you on this superb trench digging. No wonder Wynonna had the good sense to take advantage of it!

  31. Move over, Wynonna! That looks like too much fun and a cool mud bath is a good idea (repels mosquitos too, I hear!)
    Great header design: Love how the browns and golds reflect Hank's coat; fortunately, before the mud bath he seems to be eyeing up.

  32. Wow! That is a lot of rain! Looks like Wynonna is enjoying every minute of it!

  33. OMG...just don't ever refer to her majesty as "that DAM pig" she might well become a pig dam. Yikes!
