
Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunday afternoon on the porch

By the time Sunday afternoon rolled around, I was ready to do nothing but sit on the porch and read. That lasted about five minutes. I decided it was time to open the porch gates and let Clara, Lorena and Peach expand their horizons.

Peach was the first to venture forth. I can tell them apart now, without having to polish their toenails. Peach has the darkest beak and is the friendliest; Clara has the darkest neck feathers and is loud and obnoxious, but please don't tell her I said that; and Lorena has a few dark feathers on her tail and is the most independent.

Post processing: 1. Crop; 2. MCP's High Definition Sharpening action at 75%; 3. PW's Boost action at 50%.

Lorena and Peach took in all the new sights and sounds while Clara hung back in the garden yelling at them.

Snapper stood on guard at the window screen in case they tried to break into the house.

Peach and Lorena were a little wary of their new surroundings but summoned the courage to keep exploring.

They shunned Wynonna and vice versa. It must be a diva thing.

Smooch couldn't understand why they had front-yard privileges and she didn't.

And George and Alan were surprised they could run so fast.


  1. Now that is my idea of a fun Sunday afternoon! Great pictures and funny reactions from the 7MSN critters.

  2. It's great to expand your horizons on a Sunday. Sets you up for a great egg laying week.


    Glad the chick pedicures are done. And I won't tell Clara (is that the way the character is in the book by any chance?).

  3. Oh, your very own Golden Girls! They are so gorgeous!

  4. Those girls will keep the bugs down that make it to your front porch!

    And now you might have to expand your egg search to the front yard with their enlarged stomping grounds.

  5. Very attractive chickens. I'm glad that George and Alan are good at keeping coyotes at bay.

  6. Very nice looking young ladies you have there!

  7. I love their little poofee butts! Their are very pretty girls!


  8. You've got three beautiful girls there... I never knew chickens could be so gorgeous!

  9. Looks like a relaxing Sunday afternoon with all your critters.

  10. I have a new challenge for myself. I am going to come to your site and not use the word "beautiful or great".I will find a new word.
    The first picture I couldn't tell if it was sun rays or rain coming. Love the pictures of the chicks. I have alot in common with them. At hen parties I probably have been described as friendly, independent and loud and obnoxious too.

  11. Carson - I just love your blog. I never know what to expect. I was traumatized by chickens when I was small and have never had any use for them since then, but your girls are quite cute!

  12. They've grown into lovely young hens. I just love my Buff Orpingtons....they have nice personalities and they are so photogenic. Note to Smooch: Chickens pretty much go wherever they want so you better just get used to it:-)

  13. Ah...there's nothing like a little stroll on a Sunday afternoon. Your girls are absolutely gorgeous!

  14. Your "girls" are looking absolutely beautiful!! So very fluffy! I hope you are enjoying some fresh farm eggs! Thanks for the beautiful close up of the girls.

  15. THAT is hilarious. They look so fluffy and soft. Will they let you pick them up? Are they cuddlers?

    That photo of them at the crossroads, with Wynonna, is priceless.

    Love it.

  16. Carolynn, the girls will allow me to pick them up, but they don't seem too keen on the idea. Ever since they've started laying eggs, they've become more receptive to letting me scratch their necks and backs. Peach will sit quietly on my lap - Clara will sit there, too, but will be pecking at my clothes or skin at the same time.

  17. I have to agree with TerriGrace, I love their poofie butts too!

  18. I've always wanted to live on a farm with a bunch of different animals. Chickens are hilarious and I love your commentary.

  19. So beautiful. I love how gorgeous the sky looks in the last picture! I'll definitely be back for more lovely pics.

  20. Those chicks are ruling the roost! It's like they're the center of attention for all who reside at The 7msn Ranch.

    Those are some deep trenches!

  21. I rather enjoyed the giggle I got from you painting their toenails.

  22. They are so pretty! I miss chickens. No one can tell me they have no personality!

  23. My, how the goils have grown up! Love their golden feathers and their sense of exploration!

  24. you must be ADD like me and not able to just sit for awhile. I'm not sure I would have made it 5 minutes!
    Didn't know chickens had distinct personalities but I guess I never thought about it!
    The one with Wynonna looks like they are doing a choreographed dance with the lines of motion so perfect.
    Good luck with your challenge, Brenda. I couldn't do it!

  25. Oh --- deeelightful! I am so glad the gals can roam a bit more. The insect population is shuddering in their little bugger boots.
