
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sometimes, you just get lucky

It was Saturday morning. The boys weren't doing anything particularly photogenic, so I went over to the garden to see what the girls were up to. I sat down on the edge of the raised flower bed, and Clara came right over to have her picture taken.

Post-processing: 0. Removed the thing was that was stabbing her in the neck with the clone tool; 1. Made duplicate layer; 2. Changed blending mode to Screen, set layer opacity to 52%; 3. PW's Warmer action at 71%; 4. PW's Boost action at 50%; 5. MCP's High Def Sharpening action at 50%; 6. PW's Quick Edge Burn action at 13%

What do you think? Is this my best side?

Maybe the folks at home would prefer me to look straight at them...

Wait...I think my comb looks better from this side.

Let's just say Clara is going to give Wynonna a run for her money in the diva department.

A split second after I took the picture above, all three girls spooked and ran for their coop. I heard wings flapping, then a large shadow fell over the garden. With the camera still attached to the front of my face, I looked up and pressed the shutter.

I fired off one more shot before he flew away.

Right place, right time, right light, right camera settings. Sometimes, you just get lucky.


  1. Clara can be the princess of 7MSN since she already has the tiara. Beautiful pics, glad you had your camera.

  2. I'm not sure who's more beautiful, Clara or the Heron. I'm a BIG Heron fan though. You sure did get lucky alright!

    I didn't even realize you had Heron's in your neck of the woods!

  3. Wow! Right everything! What is that bird, beside elegantly beautiful?

  4. Cheryl, I think the big bird is a Great Blue Heron. Their flight path is 30 miles west of here, along the Rio Grande, and once in ahile, one of them will go a little off course. The first time I saw one here, I almost called the local news crew...I thought it was a pteradactyl.

  5. I love Clara's coloring! She's a beauty!

    OMG on the Great Blue Heron! Awesome!

  6. Wow, you did get lucky! And he/she's in focus, too.

    But Clara, you're a glamour girl for sure! Beautiful from all angles. And your comb looks lovely, darling.

  7. Oh, wow! I am one of your lurkers, rarely commenting but ALWAYS looking forward to see what you post.

    I enjoy your blog because of the subject AND the your photos (I read a while back that you should look at a lot of good photography to help train your eye).

    So, again, WOW! Thanks for sharing.

  8. You did luck out — gorgeous shots.

  9. Stunning, both of Clara and the Heron. What "luck".

  10. AWESOME bird and pic. Clara looks pretty good too!!

    You already answered my question. Yes, he is off course a bit. I thought they were water birds.....hope he has a Garmin to find his way back :)

  11. Absolutely gorgeous, Carson! Clara and the heron are so perfect. You can see each individual feather on the heron - beautiful!!!!!

  12. Oh the pictures are great. Clara deserves to be a diva. Although the straight ahead look does show her hangy down things more. Looks a little like my upper arms when I wave.
    Glad you illustrated how to fix the photo. I have alot that almost looks like a film over them.
    The heron is beautiful.
    I learn so much here. I have a new word. I had to look it up though. It sounded like medicine you take for acne. Now how am I going to use that in a conversation today.

  13. That Heron, simply STUNNING!! you can count all of the feather almost!! As for clara, straight on.
    Theresa in Alberta

  14. Wow, that was a shock to see! Absolutely stunning pictures.

  15. Never thought I'd be saying this, but that's a lovely shot of Clara ... the chicken. She looks like a bright girl, as far as chickens go, that is .... Nice post.

  16. That Clara sure is a looker! Is she the bravest one of your little flock? The shot of the heron is fantastic too! I was shocked the first time I saw one out here along the Salt River...I was sure he was lost.

  17. Well Clara is pretty clucking cute but my heart still belongs to Wynonna. Beautiful shot of the heron against the sky.

  18. you are a talented photgrapher!!

  19. Clara is stunning from all angles! Fantastic shot of the heron and you captured a few more clouds in the NM sky than usual! Isn't it amazing how animals can sense things before we do?

  20. Great job; give yourself a little credit for quick reflexes, at least!

    We have several great blue herons that hang out at our neighborhood pond. I've seen then fly any number of times, but your picture shows much more detail than I've been able to see. I can see why you thought "pterodactyl" the first time you saw one!

  21. Rosanne, Clara is the bravest in the flock, but they've all become very friendly and nosy since they've started laying eggs.

  22. Great photos. I have never seen a crane from that angle......fandamtastic.

  23. Beautiful shot of the heron and not just the sharpness but the lighting. Definitely lucky but it took you recognizing it and being there; so it's both.

  24. I love the full frontal shot of Clara. Very direct and straightforward.

    I have a special love for Herons. They're one of my totem animals. This is a good sign, I think. Those are outstanding (!!!!!!!) photos. Wow.

  25. Clara is beautiful, and demonstrates that wearing red is not outside the options for redheads.
    If you almost called the news when you first saw the heron, wait'll you hear it "speak" as it flies over. You'll be calling the National Guard.

  26. Clara is beautiful and those heron photos are amazing!

  27. Who did your cone, darling? It's stunning !!!!!!

  28. Astonishing. I believe it is Icarus himself!

  29. How crazy is that?! You just never see herons in the desert. I had one once. In my stock tank. I came around the corner and just couldn't believe my eyes (I still think it was a dream). It was up and gone before I could even think of a camera.
    Very cool pictures!

  30. Exceptional. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Oh, wow! You lucky girl! I'm going to have to do that...just kinda point and shoot!

  32. Your photos are fabulous!

  33. I was dazzled by the heron -- beautiful photo. I like how I could see such detail, even the curl on the end feathers. I suppose the burrito brothers or Hank don't pay any attention to birds.

  34. Sweet photos! And I luv when we are lucky to get those amazing shots! Kudos to yudos!

  35. With all the rain lately, the heron might not actually be off course. If there are some diet tanks in the area that are holdng water, it could be hanging out there. Perfect shots. I LOVE the straight on of Clara. That view of chickens always cracks me up.

  36. Awesome photo get & I love your chickens !!

  37. Incoming!!! Yup, a Great Blue, gorgeous. I'm glad he was off the beaten path and on top of the 7MSN!

  38. Totally awesome shots of that huge bird!! Timing is everything.
