
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Snake on a leash

This story starts, as so many of them do, with Smooch alerting me to trouble in paradise.

Whatcha barking at, Smooch?


Good girl, Smooch. Sit tight and keep an eye on him while I find my shoes and the snake pole.

I recognize you! You're the bullsnake who has been living under the generator for all these many months. I'll get you this time, my pretty. We've got house guests coming soon, and they have no interest in making your acquaintance.

I lassoed him right behind his head. He wrapped his body around the table leg and fought to hang on, so I lifted up the table and won that battle. But the war would rage on.

We made it as far as this gate. I was paying more attention to taking pictures than to the snake, and he promptly wrapped himself around the wire and wouldn't let go.

I gave the rope some slack, thinking he'd get loose and I would recapture him, but then the cap on the snakepole popped off and the rope got all twisted and the next thing I knew, I was taking a snake for a walk on a leash.

Come on, Snake, let's go.


We made it out the front gate without further incident.

Upon his release, he gave me a great big smile and promised he would never return.


  1. I believe you mentioned before that these snakes are harmless, other then scaring the heebie-geebies out of a person.

    He looks like a big one ... kind of 'fat' and extra long.

    Do you think he went onward to explore new territory and not back to his comfy generator home?

  2. OMG, this is one of your best, Linda !

    I giggled all the way through and beFORE my coffee :)

    Good for you, Oh, fearless one ! ( And of course, Smooch)

  3. You made laugh early this morning. If I woke everybody else up, I'm blaming you.

  4. O my. He's a big one, isn't he?
    You might be . . . in fact, I'm sure you are . . . the only person I have ever heard of who's taken a snake for a walk on a leash.
    I'm not sure I'd believe his promise never to return. Isn't there some old story about snakes and promises?

  5. Are you sure he's not saying ... 'damn you woman, I'll be back!'

    Ha ha!

  6. Holy moly - major malfunction with the snake pole! Smiling snake picture made me laugh :)

  7. This story did not end with the snake's release at the end of the driveway. These pictures were taken several weeks ago, and he returned three times. Each time, Smooch caught him sleeping atop the fence posts near the generator. The last time, I put him in the trash can and took him for a long drive. If he knows what's good for him, he won't be back.

  8. Ohhh, it's THAT snake.
    See? It's true about snakes and promises, iddent it?

  9. I think he'll be back. He's just toying with you and lulling you into a false sense of security. Watch out, you just can't trust a snake.

  10. Good bye, so long, and farewell smiley the snake!! Bullsnakes are non poisonous eh? Hmmmm, with him so fat you may find a sudden population explosion of mice now that he has relocated....
    Theresa in Alberta

  11. Why would he not come back? You walk him, entertain him and take him for long rides on Sunday afternoon. He had it better than some pets.
    Lets face it, what animal wouldn't want to be at your house. Thank you for always having your camera. Maybe we should all pitch in and get you a head cam.

  12. I'll bet that sucker was hissing up a storm, was he? He's a big one!

  13. If that would have been me, he would have ended up w/the pole & trying to catch me! Gotta be brave if you want to live 7 miles south of nowhere! You go girl!

  14. Oh, wow! Thanks for the great start to a new day! I love beginning the day with a good laugh.
    He's huge!
    He is smiling...or leering at you!
    He walks (?) as well on a leash as our puppy does!

  15. That was a great post!! Love the last shot with his big smile. Good job for both you and Smooch!

  16. OMG I am in tears LMAO! And the smile at the end about put me on the floor. What a great way to start the morning.

  17. doesn't look much like a smile to me, but if you say so :)

    I agree with the post above....who wouldn't want to keep coming back to your house?!

    do you think maybe she has a nest there and that is why she kept coming back? I don't know a darn thing about snakes......

  18. That's one big fat bull snake! Looks like he's been eating well at your place...he'll be back. :)
    Great photos!

  19. Oh my! I would have trouble doing that! I can't believe you can take pictures at the same time!

  20. Really? He promised? I don't know..... I heard snakes were sneaky..... better warn the guests. You are out in the middle of nowhere.... I think it comes with the territory..... great adventure tho

  21. I've taken cats for a drag, but never a bull snake. Not sure that's going on the bucket list, though.


  22. ..."always get cancellation insurance...always get cancellation insurance..."

    Good dog, Smooch! YOU are my new best friend. *grin*

  23. I just love this post. I should thank Breathe, above, for the suggestion - taking a snake for a walk on a leash would be a perfect addition to my bucket list. It looks like you had fun at least!

  24. I am DYING LAUGHING HERE!! Ohhhh my goodness... only you. Now you have proof, you have taken a snake for a walk on a leash.
    I have officially seen it

  25. Damn it...he was almost 3 weeks late. He was supposed to some while I was there...grrr. I do hope my first snake is a bull snake...have you seen other kinds of snakes other than the bull snakes and rattlers?

  26. Now the rodents will return if the big bull is gone.

    Hmmm. Mice? Bull Snake? Mice? Bull Snake?

    I don't blame you for not wanting him on your porch though, but I'd certainly prefer him over a rattler any day!

  27. Great oogly moogly, even at photo distance that still give me the heebies. That's a big un, harmless or not, he still has a big "grin".

  28. JaneK, the nest theory is a good one, given the number of baby bullsnakes that I've relocated from the same general vicinity. Perhaps this one is suffering from empty nest syndrome and that's why it keeps coming back?

    Sandy, I've only seen bullsnakes and boring...not.

  29. Yikes! These pics give me the heebie jeebies and the oogly mooglies. Have you always been this comfortable around snakes or is it something you've learned since relocating to New Mexico?

  30. Dr. Peppermint, up until a few months ago, I was petrified of snakes. Experience and my snake pole helped me cross over to the other side. (Click on 'snakes' in the label list at the bottom of this page if you want to see the progression from abject fear to nonchalance.)

  31. Way to go! Snakes are the #1 animal... reptile... thing... that I am afraid of. Kuddos to Smooch for being such a great alarm.

  32. I'm one of those weird ones who actually likes snakes (and all other reptiles.) Why not let him stay and eat all the vermin? If he's not poisonous that is.

  33. I love the snake smile, its too funny, perfect ending to the story.
