
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


George and Alan were in rare form Monday morning.

Post-processing: 1. Crop; 2. Duplicated background layer and set blending mode to Screen; 3. Duplicated background layer and set blending mode to Screen again; 4. Used a layer mask on both duplicate layers so that screen effect would not affect sky; 5. PW's Boost action at 40%; 6. PW's Warmer action at 100%

They chased each other around the corral, kicking up dust everywhere they went.

Alan did most of the chasing this time...

...and he debuted a new move that would be the envy of any professional wrestler.

There was a nip in the morning air, which probably contributed to their playfulness.

Then Alan got his foot stuck in a cone, which added to the frenzy.

But the main reason for all their showing off?

They were jealous that their new best friend was paying attention to someone else.


  1. Now that's too funny ... I guess they didn't want to share Carolynn's love!

  2. Thanks for that great start to the day! Here's my post-processing on the last shot: the take out Carolynn at 100%, the put in Lynette at 100%. And there I am, visiting too! It's been great fun for all of us!

  3. Great action shots, Carson. Looks like it was a little cool as Carolyn is wearing a jacket. I hope you had a nice weekend together.
    Best always, Sandra

  4. Now what did Charlotte the spider write in her web (I guess she had the first "web page" we ever heard of) anyway "Some Pig".
    A good cup of coffee and a good companion-Life is Good.

  5. This is a great series of shots, as always, with beautiful lighting. I love Lynette's comment!

  6. Wynonna looks like she was quite satisfied with the current arrangements. :)

  7. Those two! They're really something, aren't they. I bet you're totally correct - they wanted all of her attention..... Glad you guys are having a great time.

  8. The photos of the boys playing are hilarious...but the one of Wynonna with her new best friend is priceless!

  9. Ah, the princess was holding court. :)

  10. Ha! Boys will be boys, particularly when there are TWO pretty ladies worth showing off for!

  11. That was some move Alan used on George! And Wynonna definitely looks pleased with HER company.

    Nancy in Iowa

  12. Awww, look at Carolyn sitting with Wynonna!! How sweet is that? I want to be in her shoes!!! Coffee in the crisp morning air will discussing life - with Wynonna. I'm terribly jealous.
    As for the two terrors - nice move Alan, nice move, lol

  13. Well, Wynonna deserves all the attention a diva can get, they should be used to it by now. Boys are such show offs for girls though.

  14. Wynonna: "Good Morning Carolyn, did you sleep well?"

    Carolyn: "I certainly did Wynonna and you?"

    Wynonna: "I sleep like a log Carolyn, did you bring me a cup of joe too?"

  15. Hehe those two crack me up. It's quite impossible to not fall in love with Wynonna isn't it? :)

  16. I'll come and give those 2 all of the attention they need!

  17. And I thought Smooch was the only yard racer. :)

    Nice to see some folks enjoy a leisurely morning.

  18. oh man......what an awesome way to start a day.....good cup of Joe, nice conversation with a diva, and the best entertainment around......

  19. Lol...These are filed away with some of my all-time best memories. Not to mention the pig pedicure that occured later. *smile*
