Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday encore ~ Thunderstorm at dawn

All of this year's far...have arrived in the late afternoon. These pictures, posted last July, show a morning version.

Tuesday, 5:45 a.m. The swallows were making a racket on the front porch. Rosebud was at the screen, making noises at the birds. Smooch was standing on my legs, making noises at Rosebud. It was pointless to stay in bed any longer. I opened my eyes and screamed pretty loud. A rare morning thunderstorm was heading our way, and I had never seen such beautiful light. I did not get dressed, I did not brush my teeth, I did not feed the animals. I ran out the door with my camera.

When the beautiful light faded and the rain started, I went back in the house and started the morning all over again. And I made sure to thank Rosebud and Smooch for waking me up and making these pictures possible.


  1. What a beautiful sight ... {hugs} to all who woke you up for that one!

  2. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a sunrise like that, with a storm in front of it. Glad you were woken up early!

  3. Awesome!!! Even I would have gotten out of bed for that!

    Nancy in Iowa

  4. Beautiful colors. Good old, Smooch. Always on the lookout for mom and her blog photos. :)

  5. Thank them for me also. Great photos.

  6. How amazing! What an incredible sight.

  7. You were truly blessed (and now are we) to capture something so beautiful and rare...sunrise with a thunderstorm! Wishing you sucess on trench upgrades this weekend!

  8. Absolutely beautiful! It's as though the horizon was set on fire and God was trying to extinguish it. And the animals were telling you to get up and witness it for us all.
    Very nice.

  9. WOW thats beautiful, too bad it has to happen so early in the moning, lol.

  10. absolutely fantastical amazing... God does such beautiful art... thank you rosebud and smooch and birdies for makeing this possible for us to see :)
    word verification LOL CLAUS

  11. If the photos I've seen on this blog accurately represent the average daily lighting in New Mexico, then I absolutely have to live there.

    What duffylou said.

  12. Awe inspiring, Linda. What a beautiful sight. Thank you for the encore.

  13. Thank you Rosebud, Smooch, and Linda!

  14. I have seen some pretty sunrises in Tennessee but nothing compares to this. It is beautiful. And probably was a small window of opportunity to capture it.

  15. We have so many mountains here where I live that we don't get that beautiful light! Lucky Girl! Thanks for sharing it!
