
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Saturday encore ~ And the winner for cutest ass is...

When I'm picking an old post for a Saturday encore, I typically start looking at the posts I wrote on the same date a year ago. And one year ago, look who I was writing about ... the first donkey to make his home at Morning Bray Farm. My, how things have changed in the last 12 months! Now MBF has four longears and a blog of their own. But the more things change, the more things stay the the recipe for the margarita pictured below. If you're thirsty, you might want to click here.

Before I arrived at Justina's farm on Saturday, I'd heard vicious rumors that her new donkey, Bernard, was cuter than George and Alan. "Impossible," I scoffed under my breath.

Ok, I was wrong.

Just a year old, Bernard is still learning his manners.

He may not know it yet, but Bernard is living in paradise, where paradise equals an irrigated pasture, which he currently shares with three pygmy goats and two sheep. Another donkey will be added to the mix soon.

Yep, Bernard is one lucky donkey.

And so smart...he knows a good margarita when he smells one.


  1. Amazing what a difference a year can make! What a cute, little, gangly thing Bernard was...and now he's all grown up with three burro brothers!

  2. What a great post and photos. I so enjoyed this and that donkeeeey is cute..

  3. I love this post. Wow, how things have changed. One thing remains the same though... I do have a cute ass. ;)

  4. Bernard is a cutey! The 4th photos, where the goats and sheep are paired up/separated by color, is very neat. Thanks for the Saturday cute ass smile, the margarita will cause more smiles later :)

  5. I want a donkey, burro, ass, jenny or what ever.

  6. and looks like Bernard thinks you have a pretty cute ass as well in the 2nd pic :)

  7. Bernard is awfully cute looking---A Handsome fellow, indeed! What a lovely place he calls home!
