
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday encore ~ The 7MSN Dance Company presents Burro Ballet

The post below ran originally in September 2008. Out of all the posts that I have written (850 and counting), this one may be my favorite.

Live, from the beautiful double rainbow stage in the middle of nowhere, New Mexico,
we present Burro Ballet, starring George Baryshnikov and Alan Nureyev.

Get ready, boys. The music is about to start. George, let go and get in position!

The curtain rises on our stars, posed in a tender burro embrace.

George takes hold of his partner...

...and they jeté across the stage.
The crowd roars its approval and our dancers make eye contact with an adoring fan.
Bravo! Bravo!

We hear the crowd gasp as Alan moves in for the extremely difficult head butt/chest lift.

Both dancers leap into the air with exquisite timing and grace.

George executes a deep one-legged plié.

And the curtain falls on the closing pose.

After a standing ovation and an amazing encore, the famous dancing burros
exit the stage door to greet their fans and sign autographs.


  1. Perfection ... then and now!!!

  2. Adorable burros, and the rainbow in the background really sets the stage!

  3. Great stuff. It just might be my favorite, too. That last shot especially.

    WV = ecoma
    What happens when you're on the computer too long.

  4. Now I have Swan Lake music running through my head!

    Encore, encore~

  5. What a great imagination you have!

  6. I would put it in one of my top ten. My heart would have been beating fast at the chance to be taking all that action with a rainbow in the background. I think the hide and seek might be my no#1.
    I like the coloring in these but noticed a difference. Maybe they were before the PW warming action.

  7. One time, on the big corgi mailing list, someone asked what toy she could get for her 18-month-old corgi boy (nicknamed Malcolm the Maniac by his daycare workers!) that he couldn't destroy in five minutes.

    The answer?

    Another 18-month-old corgi boy.....


    This post makes me think of that.....


    Two boys, playing and playing......


  8. So beautiful to see the rainbows and love to see how loveable and playful burros they are!

  9. I missed this the first time around. So glad you posted it again! This is fabulous! I think your boys are ballet stars! :)

  10. Precious! We need an encore!

  11. Applause!!!!!! An amazing capture of their playfulness and charm during a beautiful rainbow show! It was like they asking - Now which is prettier??

  12. OMG, these are fantastic!

  13. how creative yo are, how do you think of all this stuff? it sure makes for an interesting read.

  14. It's a Dance Dance Revolution!

  15. OH MY ... Definitely Encore worthy ! In fact you could trot this one out EVERY year and no-one would ever tire of it.

    Just one question though ... How did you persuade the Rainbow to stick around for the entire performance ? You got friends in high places or what !?

  16. The boys outdid themselves as did your photography but you missed out on the sound effects and musical montage presented by my granddaughter as we enjoyed your post together. What a delightful posting.

  17. Your creative narration makes this a real showstopper!

    On a completely unrelated note, I wanted to let you know I made your Ranchwoman chicken dish tonight--for the second time. It keeps getting better. Thanks for adding it to my repetoire!

  18. 850 posts???? WOW! Thanks for sharing this one so all your newbies (like me) could see it. Could you put the second shot and the last one in "for you?"

    And what's this about unloading a few bales of hay so no post?? seriously, are you going to let that stop you?? HAHA! I bet you are EXHAUSTED. Hope it all went as smoothly as possible....

  19. Encore! Encore!!!

    I love the ballet.

    Hope the bales got lighter today. :)
