
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Random Ranch Revue

A place to post the leftovers before I lose them in the black hole that is my Pictures folder.

Green acres is the place to be

Kickin' ass

George works his mohawk

The safest place to be in a storm is under mom's desk

Smooch in the first light of day

Choose wisely, Grasshopper.

Post processing: 1. Clone tool and spot healing brush to wash the window; 2. PW's Dim the Lights action on the background; 3. MCP's High Definition Sharpening action; 4. PW's Warmer action at 40%; 5. PW's Boost action at 35%; 6. PW's Quick Edge Burn at 15%.


  1. Neat pictures ... I enjoyed the potpourri!

  2. I know that black hole very well.

    PW's actions are working well for you! I am able to use them with my older version of PS but most of them don't work like they should. Oh well.

    Do you have any unshared photos of Deets left?

  3. Wow - what a dramatic difference on that photo! Love the random ranch revue.

    And Hank. Remains my favorite hunk o' paint.

  4. Clone tool washes windows? Gotta get me one of those!

  5. You live in such a beautiful part of the state. And your photos always show it off to the max. I see you have created chicken envy in an unnamed donkey lover. I just love waking up to the two of you and your lovely photos of close by.

  6. Love George's mohawk! That is a great shot. Have a good one.

  7. What a shot of this cute grasshopper!Looks like there is a picture of a cat's face on his chest Far out!

  8. All of the pics are incredible...but "kickin' ass" is my FAVORITE! Will you post a downloadable version? I'd love to have this in my office :)
    I miss Deets.

  9. You are such an amazing photographer Carson! I always, always love your use of light.

  10. These are great photos! Your mountain views are prettier than mine. Gotta say that Hank sure is a beauty!

  11. Thanks for sharing these photos instead of sending them to the black hole! I miss Deets too.

  12. I LOVE this site!
    But I am an east coast city girl and I need a serious remedial course in critters.
    Are burros all donkeys?
    Are George and Alan different kinds of donkeys/burros?
    Do you have any mules?
    Any goats at 7msn?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  13. Love them all. And, the grasshopper shot is awesome.

  14. I've been afraid to ask----"Deets"????????????


  15. Excelelnt pics! I love the donkey mohawk and Hank, he looks so good out on the green background.

  16. These are delightful! The first one is magnificent. After reading MeMaw's comment I had to look at Grasshopper again - she's right! There is a cat face!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  17. I keep checking every day - any sign of Deets?
    Hugs from NZ

  18. All of the photos are great but the 2nd one and its' caption cracked me up.

  19. Like the random pictures. Maybe you need to dig in that black hole more. My favorite is the sunlight on Smooch.

  20. Gorgeous hues in your photos get better every day!

  21. Don't bother posting this publicly but I want to say: You have courage. I learn from you every day. We do not need to know what happened to Deets. That is your business as well as your pain and I respect and honor your silence.
    May peace be with you and all those you love: past, present and future.

  22. Several comments:
    It is so refreshing to see the bright greens (and blue sky) in your photos, especially as the summer heat is burning everything up :( Glad you are getting rain, but hope trenches aren't needed!
    My dog's favorite spot is also under my legs while sitting at the computer. Saw your comment on PW's site. How true. Chaps/chinks do help you "bond" with the saddle!

  23. okay.....too weird about the cat face on the grasshopper......

    really, need to get a gig with National Geographic....

  24. Awwww....grasshopper. Wax on, wax off. Oops, wrong movie. Great pic though, as they all are!

  25. So was that grasshopper on the window? Amazing shot!
