
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Looking for trouble

The recent storms have altered the landscape around the 7MSN in a big way. I learned Saturday that there are several new arroyos to cross on the road to the highway, and Steep Rocky Hill is alot steeper and rockier.

I've been going out in the mornings to make sure my fences are standing and that all's well in the pasture. Checking for storm damage is way more fun when my faithful companion and bodyguard comes along for the ride.

Post processing: 1. Remove sensor dust spots with clone tool and spot healing brush; 2. MCP's High Definition Sharpening action at 75%; 3. PW's Warmer action at 38%; 4. PW's Boost action at 50%; 5. PW's Quick Edge Burn action at 28%

Since we've yet to find any trouble or something to fix, I might have to add "Lucky Charm" to her title.


  1. Looks to me like Smooch would like to add "new driver" to her title! I'm sure she thinks it would be much easier on you to jump in/out to check on things while she inches the Ranger along. LOL

  2. Smooch wears a seat belt! You really are good mom : ) My dog has the same seat belt.

    She has that watchful eye alright.

  3. New arroyos! How fun!

    Is she wearing a seat belt?

  4. Yes, Breathe, Smooch is wearing a seat belt. I can't trust her to sit quietly when we're surrounded by jackrabbits.

  5. I love me some Smooch!!! Give her a big ole hug and kiss for me. You are lucky to have such a wonderful companion :)

  6. It does look like Smooch has moved her seat belt to the driver's side!
    I recognize and appreciate how protective you try to be with your animals. Be careful on those washed out roads especially when pulling your trailer......

  7. Doggie seatbelt! Savanah has one of those or she bounces around the car like a maniac.

  8. Looks like Smooch is ready to add driving to her skills too. She's so smart and adorable.

  9. Thats funny woth the seatbelt, lol. She sure lookes like she enjoys the drives

  10. She looks so full of confidence!

  11. Boy it looks green there!! Smooch makes the best ranch hand :)

  12. It would great if you can teach her to jump out and open gates. I am going to look into the seatbelt for our dog.
    One of the many things I have learned from your editing is how to use many actions. I always looked at it as choice-- pick one to use. I guess if you don't save after each one you don't lose quality.

  13. Hope your good luck continues. You can tell from looking at Smooch's eyes that nothing escapes her and that she is very intelligent.

  14. Smooch is lookin good as your co-pilot while doing your perimiter checks! Aren't those ATV buggies worth there weight in gold when having acreage. I could not do without mine. Great color in your photos.

  15. Noble dog! The rain sure made it pretty and green there.

  16. I think it's her beautiful lucky orange nose that does the trick!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  17. Beautiful as usual....
    And, I LOVE your new header. Well, it may not be so new, but I have been absent for a bit. : )

  18. I love it that Smooch wears a seat belt. And as a friend from childhood used to say, "Never trouble trouble til trouble troubles you."

  19. Yikes...the hill is worse? Maybe that's not the best way to your house after all.

    Love the're a good doggie mom, ya know.

  20. I'm new to your blog - LOVE the name and I love Smooch - "driver dogs" are always they best. They know when to lean around the corners and when to lie down altogether (and tell you you're driving your Jeep too fast!). I envy you your streak of independence & tenacity that has lead you to this place and I look forward to letting you "speak" to me every day or so as I check your blog. Peace to you & yours!
