Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In a soft light

Just when I think all my pictures start looking the same, Mother Nature pulls this light out of her bag of tricks.

Post-processing: 1. PW's Boost action at 50%


  1. Thank you Mother Nature and Carson ... awesome group of pictures!

  2. Those colors!!! Incredible!

    Is there anything better than a set of donkey ears along a horizon line? Julie Andrews should have added it to her list of favorite things.

  3. That last one? Took my breath clean away.

  4. OMG, how absolutely gorgeous, each and every one!

  5. Just when I think "how many beautiful shots can you take of the same subjects" you take some more!

  6. "Alan in sunset" - incredible. Wish I was there.

  7. Those pictures are spectacular. There is so much color in the desert that we miss here in the east. You're very lucky to see these wonderful light shows.

  8. WOW! I think I hear George giving a big peaceful sigh in that last shot as he waches the sun (go up or down?).

  9. And look at all of those flowers. Talk about jewels...

  10. The last one is my favorite! George, the watchman....When I put my mouse over the 1st one, I was surprised at how subtle the difference was... great pic's Linda. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Beautiful colors. Love those burros; are they always ready to play?

    I wanted to tell you I spent quite a lot of time reading through your archives yesterday, learning about Lyle's story. My goodness woman, you have quite the horse history! My heart broke about three times, but I noticed most of your posts about him were celebrating progress you made together.

    Anyway, just wanted you to know I was fascinated by your story.

  12. colleen from nc8/25/10, 6:43 AM

    WOW....all your pics are fabulous. i have never thought they look alike.

  13. My goodness, is that all natural landscaping out there? Could it be any more beautiful?

    Hope those clouds mean that you've been enjoying some cooler weather. We had a whole day in the 70s yesterday and the first night in what seems like forever without a fan or the swamp cooler running. Delicious!

  14. JaneK - the sun was setting for these shots.

    Flartus - yes, the burros are ALWAYS ready to play.

    Clairz - the desert is putting on quite the show this year - the 4 o'clocks and broom snakeweed are in full bloom. The temp went down to 48 last night and I needed a jacket this morning to do chores!

  15. Sometimes that SW Purple Haze just takes your breath away. Very nice!!!

  16. That light is gorgeous! Those shots are amazing and so is your view!

  17. Fantastic photos! You are so much greener than us...even after all the rain we've had lately. We hit 112 yesturday...this morning it is currently a lovely 87 degrees! It won't last though. I think the photo of Hank peering under the fence is my fav.

  18. Wow. It looks like Eden.

    I love that photo of Alan leaning his head on George's back, just like a hug. Or is it George leaning on Alan...? I can't keep those two straight. Will they be wearing nametags...? Or maybe paint their hooves different colours. *grin*

  19. What everyone else said. I can add only: ahhh! Oooohh! Mmmmm!

    Nancy (donkeyless) in Iowa

  20. That first picture, may I please have it?? My screen saver needs it. I miss New Mexico. I can almost smell it!

  21. Such beautiful saturated color -- it reminds me of Maxfield Parrish paintings -- just gorgeous.

  22. Yup! Thanks for my daily reminder of the beauty of New Mexico. I don't think we can keep it a secret much longer, do you?

  23. Beautiful pictures! I've saved this link to my favorites so that I can come back when I want a soothing pick-me-up. Loved George's horizon friendly ears and the pictures of George, Alan and Hank. Thanks for sharing the view from your part of the world.

  24. Wow that lighting is just amazing, couldnt have asked for anything better.

    The more pictures you take, the more I want to move t to New Mexico, its so beautiful!

  25. Gorgeous! I love the shot of the underbelly of Hank's jaw/head. He is such a handsome boy. : )

  26. Just gorgeous! A gift, for sure.

  27. Second picture - the hairs of his chinny chin chin - they're all lovely!

  28. Gorgeous colors. I especially like the mixture of plant colors.

  29. That first pic is just gorgeous. I literally gasped when I saw it, and then said oooooo, lol. Nice, nice, nice!

  30. Wow. Usually I look in the morning but it i kind of nice to look at these after a hectic day. Kind of slows the breathing down. Makes me want to grab my camera. You said you "grabbed a jacket." Sounds so good.
    It is amazing how beautiful the first one was before you worked on it. I like how each person said a different one as their favorite.
    I'm curious when it is that beautiful how many do you take in one session? We had a beautiful sunrise this morn and I bet I took 50 and will keep probably 5.

  31. Stunning. I especially love the new header.

  32. Brenda, that's a great question. I'm not really sure, and now you've made me want to find out myself.

  33. Absolutely beautiful! The light and the burros.

  34. My posts didn't go through at noon or when I got home from work. Just wanted to say: Beautiful photos! The wonders of nature and your 4 legged models made my day. Thank you!

  35. I absolutely love the pic of Alan leaning his head on George. Such sweetness! And the first picture took my breath away. In fact, I thought for sure you added color to it. When I held my mouse on it, I was surprised to see how little you did to it. You are so lucky to have such beautiful scenery!
