
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

George and Alan go on a diet

George and Alan have put on a few extra pounds this summer, so I've started to cut back on their pasture time. They are not pleased. Tuesday evening, while they were in the corral counting down the minutes until I turned them out, they got a little exercise. These are not your average aerobics.

Post processing: 1. Crop; 2. MCP's High Definition Sharpening action at 40%.


  1. Yikes ... now that's some serious playtime!

  2. Love the photos - they're quite the pair!

  3. Great pictures! Love the faces - especially on Alan.

  4. Oh, where is the soundtrack? Wonderful action shots.

    I want to thank you for your before and after photos. They give me the chance to really look at details that I might otherwise miss, and the courage to try some of this stuff on my pix.

  5. This heat and the word "diet" will bring out the beast in all of us.
    The sky is so blue before you did anything to the picture.

  6. You have a constant source of entertainment - how cool is that? You've very blessed Carson - very blessed.

  7. They have such personalities!

  8. I love their aerobic routine.
    I notice that in most of the pictures they've got their teeth put away. Just lots of fun.

  9. Donkey THAT'S entertainment! Hope you have better luck getting the pounds off your boys than I'm having trying to get Russell slimmed down. :)

  10. They are getting a workout! Do they lose any summer weight in the winter?

  11. They do look like they're having fun. Well, one of them does, anyway...

    I think it's funny how they make eye contact with the camera. I think they've cottoned on to the fact that they're celebrities and that last shot makes me wonder if they're not mugging for the camera, just a wee little bit.

  12. Looking at the first picture I thought a more appropriate title might be 'George and Alan go on a rampage!' LOL!

  13. PS ~ Hold onto those eggs tight! Well, not to tight, but you know what I mean ; )

  14. I love when burros and horses play like this. It's so fun to watch.

    Do they maintain their coats themselves or do you brush them regularly?

  15. Too cute, I love it when animals play, I have a 2 year old gelding that can get the 11 year old playing, he wont play with anyone else, but I love watching them.

  16. Fabulous shots, Carson.
    You made my day!
    Best always, Sandra

  17. Have you ever thought of driving them? A pair of burros in a carriage would be a sight :)

  18. Speaking of aerobics, where you harness training somebody at one point? Or was that another one of my lucid dreams?

  19. As soon as I saw your first sentence (and before the pictures), I thought Oh No! They are going to get into trouble if you cut back their food and pasture time! I love the photos! They are so photogenic. My dog has put on weight also, so we are about to go on a walk in the 95 degree/41% humidity at 8:04 pm :(

  20. were they doing the tango or the jitterbug.......looks a little tango-esque to me!

  21. I can relate. That is what cutting back on my grazing time does to me.

  22. I especially like the last photo!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  23. LOL! Love how they are trying to smil down.

  24. heh-heh...and I bet most of your fans think you tweaked the colors so they were awesome and brillant. Nope, that's just New Mexico, I can attest to that!

  25. These guys are so freakin cute. I have to tell you, yesterday I went into the barn for something and realized I hadn't turned my George & Alan calendar to August. Naturally, the August pic made me smile and had me shaking my head. I love to see them whenever I go in there!
