
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Digging up dirt

Post processing: 1. PW's Lovely and Ethereal action at 50%; 2. MCP'S High Definition Sharpening action at 75%


  1. Good gosh, is Smooch digging her way to China? Perhaps a new beauty bathing spot so Wynonna will join her on her side of the fence? Looks like the girl is really into digging that dirt!

  2. Is Smooch sure she really wants to meet whatever's in that hole?

  3. I aam guessing there was a varmint to catch but she was not successful!

  4. He's on the trail of something. I used to help old ladies with their gardening when I was a kid in Albuquerque. I could have used Smooches help in digging out those plants when the ladies got tired of them in their yards.

  5. Or digging her way to China again?

  6. What the heck, Smooch? It doesn't look like there's anything in there, but like I always say about my Lily, if she smells something, it's there!

    Hope you filled that hole back in when you were done! ; )

  7. Whatever she's chasing, Smooch is having a whale of time doing it!!

  8. Love the 3rd shot with the dirty nose! That looks like it takes some skill, staying away from the spiky leaves.

    So...did she get it?

  9. Smooch definately wins the dirty dog face prize for today. My tee tiny one heard or smelled something in the grass yesterday and had the same dirty, intense look on her mug. Dogs are funny critters.

  10. She looks a little disappointed in that last photo...didn't find that pot 'o gold under there, huh? :)

  11. Did she get the lizard or mousey that ran in there for protection? All that work for nothing would be a drag.

  12. Whatever Smooch was digging for outwitted her and has yet to resurface. That is not to say Smooch has given up. Smooch never gives up.

  13. *snort* Love the bum sticking up in the air. And, the dust covered nose. And, the determination.

  14. Oh needs to get you a face shield for those dangerous yucca attacks!

  15. What in the world was she after? She is so INTENSE!

  16. Maybe she was just trying to help Mom out.

  17. Wow, it looks so green and lovely there.

  18. I love the 3rd "who me?" shot!

  19. When my dog, Pokey Mae, used to dig in the dirt I would say she was counting dirt. There was never an apparent goal, just dirt moving. My now dog, Bradley, digs to eat something. Anything. Go Smooch, go!

  20. I'm a dog lover going way back - currently living with 4 crazy canines - but I have to say that Smooch is a GORGEOUS dog! :-) And from what little I've read so far (I'm new to your blog), she has the brains to go with her beauty. Added to which, you live in one of my all-time favorite states so the scenery is making me drool. Glad I found you!
