
Monday, August 16, 2010

Chicken scratches

Good morning, Clara. How are you today?

Post-processing: 1. Crop; 2. Duplicated background layer and set blending mode to 'screen' to lighten image; 3. Added layer mask to duplicate layer and used brush tool to mask everything but Clara; 4. PW's Boost action at 35%; 5. MCP's High Definition Sharpening action at 55%.

Such a good girl you are.

A little to the right, please.

Since the girls started laying eggs two weeks ago, they've become very friendly. Whenever I go out to visit them, they come over to peck at my clothes, legs, and camera lens greet me.

Clara is still a little confused about all this egg-laying stuff. While Lorena and Peach are consistently providing a cute little brown egg almost every day, Clara is laying one great big egg every other day and always with a double-yolk. I suppose she'll figure it out eventually, but until then, I'm really enjoying my extra-high-cholesterol omelettes.


  1. I have always heard that double-yolk eggs were good luck, so I guess Clara is simply trying to bless you with good things at 7MSN.

  2. Clara is simply multi-tasking. She has too things to do each day to take time to lay. She is fixing both meals at once.
    Love the brightness of the color in the first one.

  3. And I've heard that fresh free-range chicken eggs have less cholesterol than the store boughts.

  4. Hey, don't free-ranging hens provide healthier eggs? With more Omega-3 to complement the cholesterol? So, no worries about your omelets!

    Clara's beautiful, by the way.

  5. Yay for Clara! Whenever we go to our local farmer's mkt, I always buy the double yolk - umm, mmm good!

  6. The girls are just gorgeous. Enjoy those wonderful fresh eggs.

  7. Prettiest chicken I've ever seen. :)

  8. I love cracking open an egg and finding a double yoke.

  9. Remember that Clara took care of everything. That double yolk thing sounds just like something Clara would do in the book. Always working hard and not taking any time for herself. :)

  10. That Clara is one smart girl. She can't be bothered laying an egg everyday-she's got better things to do! :) My grandmother had one hen that always gave her double yolk eggs.

  11. Wow. Clara is a super hero. And, so incredibly beautiful too. She looks soft & fluffy and very healthy.

  12. Talented Clara and photographer! Scratching an energy saving hen and taking beautiful pictures at the same time.

  13. I remember double yoked eggs from my childhood chicken days, too.

    They are just making sure you have plenty of fresh eggs for omelets and baking!

    Good job, girls!

  14. Honestly,....isn't that the saddest thing about eggs? The damn cholesterol. Especially if you're born with high cholesterol numbers!

    I love the taste of eggs...but, trying to manage cholesterol without drugs means I don't get to eat any. Once or twice a year I do treat myself... and..... I love a soft cooked yolk those few times! we're talking liquid gold......... mmmmmm.........

  15. Perhaps you are lookin' a little like a rooster lately?

  16. All that extra loud squawking going on in the morning... yeah, that would be Clara. Poor girl...

  17. Clara is a gal after my own heart: all or nothing :-)

  18. Oh..... do not forget that there is twice as much Natural Vitamin E in them double yolks too..... and it's double good for your heart!
