
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Alan's amazing ear trick

For awhile there, it seemed like every picture I took included
at least one animal sticking out his tongue.

Now it's an ear thing...

...a disappearing ear thing.

Post-processing: 1. Crop; 2. Remove sensor dust spots with clone and patch tools ... someday I'll just get that sensor cleaned; 3. PW's Define and Sharpen action; 4. MCP's Touch of Lightness action on Alan's left eye; 4. PW's Quick Edge Burn action at 15%

No wonder they don't listen to me half the time.


  1. Those pictures of the disappearing ear are too funny ... almost had coffee on the keyboard this morning ... I could help but laugh!

  2. Maybe this is what is mean by the expression "half cocked"?

  3. Wow, I just got censored by Blogger!

    Maybe this is what is meant by the expression, "Going off half c*cked".

    I'm way too politically incorrect to tolerate being censored.

  4. Hearing only half the time remind me of when my boys were teens.

    Thank heavens they grew up with both ears intact!

    Loved your pics today. :)

  5. Wonder what this means in donkey language? When you riding a horse it shows they are listening to the rider but still curious about what's ahead.
    It me it looks like they are just so relaxed.

  6. I'm convinced, that with some animals, particularly burros and terriers, there is a language of the ear. Now if we only knew what they were saying...

  7. Brenda and Lisa, I'm pretty sure Alan was trying to say "this fly is bugging the crap out of me and I've got to flick my ear real hard to get rid of it."

  8. I knew their ears were flexible, but not that flexible.

  9. That is so weird how the ear completely disappears. So talented, these two. Seriously.

  10. haha! You donkeys are SO comical :)

    Your tongues thing made me think of this video...

    Parelli Central

  11. These photos are hilarious! You've got some very talented boys there.

  12. The pun-ishing line at the end was totally uncalled for. And I liked it.

    Question: If you've got comment moderation on, does word veri really make a difference in your spam comments? I've been curious for awhile if this works.

  13. Yeah sure. Now that we know how you master Photoshop, we're gonna believe that... ;)

  14. Cheryl, turning on the word verification has totally eliminated the spam comments that were showing up here. Now if I could find a way to get rid of the one snarky, mean-spirited anonymous commenter (whose comments I routinely do not publish), I'd be all set.

  15. Yep, saw that last one in a previous post and thought it would be a subject of it's own soon!

  16. In regards to your comment about the anonymous commenter: I've said it before but it still works....there always has to be a couple of jackasses! :)

  17. But they sure look cute doing it!

  18. Haha...when I first read the heading of this post, I thought it said "Alan's amazing ear TICK!!"
    Gotta love those big, fuzzy ears. : )

  19. They are such charming and cooperative subjects! Well, maybe their ears aren't always cooperative....

  20. The quality of this series of photographs is off the charts. Kudos! Of course I love the subject matter too...

  21. They are just too darn cute LOL Makes me want a burro LOL MY husband would kill me LOL LOL

    Sadly, our kitty has been missing for 3 days now, and she never does this. NO sign of Deets either?
    Darn cats, the plucky little critters just get themselves in trouble. sigh....
