
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Alan has a question

A few of you have caught on that Carolynn from A Glowing Ember will soon be arriving at the 7MSN. We are all very excited to finally meet in person someone we've known only through pixels. Smooch and the cats totally know that something is brewing. Let them tell you how many times I've rearranged the guest room, trying to make everything just right. And you should have seen George's and Alan's eyes light up when I told them there would be an extra pair of hands around to scratch them. Anyway, don't be surprised if I'm absent for a few days. And also don't be surprised if I have a guest blogger send you a postcard or something...if I can get her away from the boys and Wynonna long enough to come inside.


  1. Hurray ... now we know who your 'secret guest' is! Have a great time!!!

  2. Have a great weekend you two. I bet the cameras will be clicking away. Carolynn is a great lover of animals as well. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures together as new found blog friends.
    Best always, Sandra

  3. Have a wonderful time!

  4. so cool to read about these friendships that started with a few pixels! you all have a great time and try to stay out of trouble........

  5. Carolynn is coming to visit???? That is so cool! Is she bringing the Frenchman? I sure hope so!

    She mentioned something interesting coming up in the near future but didn't mention what it was.

    I love when woman meet online and become friends. I have a very close friend from Texas who I met online and she's visited with us here in NH 2 times now. I hope you both make that same connection.

  6. So cool! I hope ya'll have a great visit!

  7. Sharon, the Frenchman will be flying down on Monday to join Carolynn for the second leg of her adventure - and I will get to meet him. Cool, eh?

  8. I'm sure you'll all have a wonderful time. How exciting!

  9. Y'all have fun! Look forward to postings after she's gone home.

  10. Tee Hee. I'm all abuzz over here too. Can't wait. I hope I can sleep tonite. *grin*

  11. Have an incredibly wonderful, busy, laughter-filled time! I'm so excited for you two.

    p.s. I met my best friend through the blogging pixels. :-)

  12. I'm sure you will have a great time togther! The boys will love having an extra pair of hands around for scritches!

  13. how fun, I love to meat blogger friends for real, have a fun time!

  14. Lucky Carolyn...I know the two partial days we've spent at the 7MSN have been heaven!

  15. I don't know who this Carolyn is, but I'm sure 7MSN will be perfect and you will have a fantastic time!

    p.s. I didn't know boys could gossip so much :) Carol

  16. YAY!!! That's so much fun!!! I can't wait to see what you ladies do, besides scratch the horse, donkeys, Wynonna and Smooch :)

  17. Dueling Cameras. Ought to be sweet music. Hope you have a great weekend with good laughs and good animal companionship. Hope you get us a picture overload.

  18. How lucky is Carolynn to meet the residents at The 7MSN Ranch?! I am envious of my fellow Canadian. Have a fabulous time!!! I look forward to lots of pictures.

  19. not even a tweet update on the fun weekend??? geeeezzzz......

    hope you guys are having a blast....I'm sure there's a lot of talking and laughing and very little sleeping :) looking forward to some fun photos for some future posts!
