
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Something to do while we wait

Many of you have been following the twitter feed below and have learned that Deets has gone missing. Yes, I'm beside myself with worry, but I do believe he will find his way home...eventually. While we're all waiting for him to return from his great adventure, let's busy ourselves with a contest. We'll call this one: When will the chickens lay an egg?

Clara, Lorena and Peach turned 21 weeks old two days ago. They could start laying any day...or it might take another couple of weeks. The person who comes closest to guessing the day and time that I find the first egg laid by one of the ladies of Lonesome Dove wins the grand prize, a $125 gift certificate at online retailer csn|stores.

This is the third giveaway that csn|stores has sponsored here, and they keep getting more generous. Gotta love that. I went window shopping over there and quickly came up with a few things I would buy if I ever win one of their gift certificates...

What barn couldn't use a little mood lighting? Call me a product of the sixties, but I found this neon mustang sculpture on the table lamps page. How cool is that? It's practically tattoo-worthy.

And look at all the chicken stuff they've got – there are chicken rugs, chicken art, chicken serving platters, even pots to cook chickens...not that my girls would ever end up in there.

If you haven't visited csn|stores yet, here's a little incentive. Earn yourself an extra guess in this contest by strolling over to csn|stores and telling us what you would buy if you won the $125 gift certificate.

Everything you need to know about this contest

The prize: A $125 gift certificate at online retailer csn|stores.

To enter: Guess the day and time that I will find the first egg laid by one of my chickens and leave your answer in the comments. If no one guesses correctly, she or he who comes the closest wins. In the event of a tie, the winner will be selected in a random drawing. One entry per person. Earn a second entry by telling us what you might buy with your gift certificate if you win.

Contest closes: Thursday, July 29, 7:00 pm Mountain time. The winner will be announced as soon as I find that first egg.

Number of winners: One.

Meanwhile, I'm a firm believer in the power of positive thinking. Let's wish this missing cat home. I'll update the twitter feed as soon as he shows his curly tail at my door.


  1. My guess is 8/8 for the date, and around 10:30 in the morning you'll hear clucking and happiness coming from your chicken tractor.

    Positive thoughts and prayers are going your way ... Deets WILL come home!

  2. Come home, Deets! I'm anxiously waiting to hear of your return!

    My guess for one of the ladies to lay her first egg is July 31st at 6:10a.m.

  3. Beautiful picture of the chicken! No toenails showing, so she'll have to remain anonymous. I think she or one of her sisters will give you an egg this Saturday, the last day of July.

  4. Okay, my best completely random and senseless guess is Monday, August 2nd at 6:45 AM. You're an early riser, right?

    Deets, we love you! C'mon home!

  5. I am so sad to hear Deets has gone missing. Praying he will turn up safe and sound. As for the eggs--let's say: Sunday August 1 7:00 a.m. aaaaaand it will be huge because the firsties always are! Will wander over to csn and see what they have to offer.

  6. What??? No fair. Those not on Twitter are missing some crucial news it seems. One of my own cat is fighting for his life, this week, and I'm sick with worry. And now I have to worry about Deets too? Ok, God of kitties, please give me a happy ending 2 of your little children. We need you here.

  7. And, now that I've been over to CSN/Stores, and seen the botanical prints that are on sale ($50 off!), I'll give another guess on the inaugural egg - Sunday, the first of August. Go, girls!

  8. I'm sending up a prayer for Deet's safe return. I love that cat!
    Best always, Sandra

  9. Oh I hope Deets shows up again. It's always such worry when the pets don't come home or even the wildlife that is regular to visit one's back yard. Hoping and praying for his return.
    As for when will the first chicken lay her first egg....well this really is an uneducated guess only...I say in 13 days.

  10. Get home soon Mr. Deets! I am so sad to hear he is missing. That is never fun. I will keep my fingers crossed he makes his way back soon!

  11. My guess is that Peach will lay her first egg by 7 am on Aug 1, 2010.

    Deets, please get your furry bottom home, the boys miss you!!
    Theresa in Alberta

  12. I'll say July 31st at 10:13 am.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  13. 2nd Entry: I would buy a Britax Blink Stroller with the gift code.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  14. Aug 24 7 am. - my granddaughter birthday so I am hoping there is some mis-calucation and they will hold it till then. I was going with this date then decided to look up full moon because it works for babies and guess what its Aug 24. You might as well close up the contest. I got this one. If you would only help and not look till then. Oh concerning the Lonesome Dove chicks why didn't you name one Lori, Darling.
    Come on home Deets. You are loved there.

  15. okay so my first guess is 8/9/10 @ 11:12 am :)

    and given that I am trying to make some positive changes in my life and will need some new house stuff....I would get "JoJo Designs Butterfly Pink Purple Kid Bedding Collection - ButterflyPinkPurple-Series" for my little girls next big girl bed! so my second guess is 7/28 @ 7:28 am

    still praying for Deets :)

  16. Sending good thoughts for Deets to find his way home. Come on Deets stop making everyone worry about you.

    I'll guess July 29th at 8:00 a.m. for the egg.

  17. I'm guessing August 12 at 12:12 AM.

    Sigrid: Linda has her Twitter feed on the bottom half of this web page.

  18. Saying prayers that my favorite black kitty comes home to you soon. August 10 @ 7 a.m.

  19. August 4 at 8:23 am......Deets come home, come home, come home!

  20. Wanted to say that my dear Yuri, who btw Dickens is the spitting image of, went missing for 21 days one time many years ago, in the smallish city I lived in. I was sure by the end of that 3 weeks that he was gone for good, but the night he came back home I went to sleep doing an exercise where I visualized him coming back home, walking through the underbrush, back yards, being very careful of traffic, etc. I fell asleep doing this, and then around 2 a.m. woke up bolt upright in my bed and w/o even thinking, leaped up and ran to the front of the house and looked out one window. Yuri was there, looking very skittish, like he wanted to come in but might take off again if anything moved the wrong way. I ran to the front door and he dashed inside, much skinnier but none the worse for wear.

    Maybe it will work for Deets. Sending good thoughts.

  21. Come home Deets! A few years back, I had a little (she weighed around 5 pounds whereas her brother checked in at 14) black cat that went missing for a four days - a neighbor finally heard meowing coming from a tree - she had been 'treed' by a dog - it took a looooonnnng ladder and a brave son to retrieve her. Hopefully he will find his way home soon.
    August 12, 7:00 a.m. - only because it's the aforementioned son's birthday.

  22. I hope Deets is ok. I'm guessing August 2nd at 7:30 am.

  23. I hate it when my cats go on adventures!!! Come home Deets!! Your public is waiting for you!!

    My guess for the egg (s) 8/9/10 at 8:19 am!!!

    I have had my eye on the black bonded leather couch!!!


  24. Maybe a first egg on August 1, 7:30am?

    Good luck with Deets! I've heard that when cats get really freaked out, they hide REALLY close to home but make no sound so you don't know they are present....behind a bush, behind a bucket, under one of the "boy's" orange cones? Gosh, I hope all Deets needs is a little time to himself and then he'll re-emerge!

  25. July 31st @ 7:34

  26. I need my heart unbroke- Deets please come home!
    My guess is Aug. 9 around 9:30 AM.

  27. Second entry guess - Aug 2nd @ 7:55 am. I would buy the Graco Snugride Infanct car seat for my new grandson for my car! Granma's gotta be able to haul that youngin' around!

  28. Mr. Deets please come home now. We love you and Momma's worried.

    My guess is Aug 12. 9:00 am.

  29. Sending out prayers that Deets finds his way home and soon. Really soon. I don't follow twitter, so this was a surprise and not a very nice one. Deets, where are you??

    The chickens are beautiful!!

  30. Hope Deets comes home soon!

    My guess is August 9, 8:00 AM.

  31. For my second guess I am going with August 3, 6:15am. So many things I would love if I won, leaning toward those oh so lovely Emile Henry pie dishes!

  32. Aug 7th at 5:45am

  33. 8/18 @ 4pm

    And, PLEASE, Mr Deets, come on home.......I am going to light a candle tonight to help show you the way <3

  34. Aug. 9 @ 8:02...that is when all good eggs are me =o)

  35. August 3rd at 6:30 AM

    Deets -- All sorts of good thoughts from me and from the baddogs.

  36. Nursejoan@yahoo.com7/27/10, 9:04 AM

    Cats & their quirks/adventures. Back on the farm in VA quite a few years ago, Frieda, our one-eyed mammy cat went AWOL for nearly a year. While waiting with the kids for the morning schoolbus, we heard a very familiar meow coming from the middle of the hayfield beside the driveway Yup, it was Frieda, coming home from a grand adventure. Deets, are ya listening? Send a postcard or, better yet, get your behind home!

    First egg - August 6 9:00AM

  37. Oh no! I'm trusting that Deets will wander in with his usual swagger, a little dustier perhaps, and give us all the "What?" look before sidling up to the water trough for a drink. Maybe he's just trying to stay out of the rain. *sigh*

    Okay, girls....I'm putting my money on lucky August 27th at 8:27 am. I'm guessing that Linda usually has her coffee made and is ready to check under your tushes by then. Remember, August 27th. I promise not to eat it. *grin*


  38. What is it with these Buff Orpingtons holding out on eggs? Ginger hasn't laid yet and she is 24 weeks.

    My guess is August 15 @ 10:32 a.m.

    If I win the certificate, I'd proably buy some new cookware.

    Come home, Deets, come home! We all miss you very much!

  39. I am going to guess August 14th @ 10 AM MST. I hope Deets find his way back home to you.

  40. By the way...some of those pictures you've got there are Roosters....

    I guess I'm gonna have to have "The" talk with the ladies myself and make sure THEY know the difference....just sayin'....

  41. I know I'm late but I am sending good thoughts your way to bring Deets back to the fold.

    My guess for your first egg is Aug 14, 11:31 am.

    Again, sending good thoughts.

  42. Thinking pawsitive thoughts for Deets' safe return home!

    First guess: 7/29 @ 7:29 am

    I would get a new computer dask chair at CSN, so my second guess is:
    8/14 @ 8:14
    (do you see a pattern here?)

  43. . . . and to give me a second chance, I perused outdoor lighting fixtures at CSN and found the Bayview Wallmount light -- it would look great: Great Outdoors by Minka - 9801-144 - Bay View Wall Mount in Stainless Steel

  44. I just lustfully searched through csn's online store. Wow! There is so many things to choose from.

    I think I have it narrowed down to City Scene Bamboo Bed in a Bag in Black White.

    I would like to make my second guess for an egg Aug 3, 7:20 am.

    Deets, we love you honey.

  45. I'll go for 8/3 at 7:15 am. And if I am the lucky winner I'd probably let my husband pick up some tools or a new pot or pan for the kitchen.


  46. Deets stop playing games and get home! Everyone is missing you.

    My egg guess is Friday July 30th 6:00am

  47. So sorry to hear about Deets,however he is a very wise cat and I'm sure he hasn't used up his seven lives! Keeping him and you in my prayers.
    I'm guessing August 6th at 6:00 in honor of my Mom's Birthday:)

  48. AUgust 2nd, 3 am (you do have surveillance cameras, right?)


    Sigh. Hope that helps.

  49. Oh dear! I do hope Deets comes home soon!

    My guess on the "girls" will be August 31st. You will love the eggs! They are so tasty. :)

  50. Oh Geez! I forgot the time!
    How about August 31st @ 11:30 AM.

    Not sure what I would buy. Nothing pops into my head right now.

    Love the picture of the hen!

  51. So sorry about Deets. Sure hope he's ok.

    My guess for the first egg is August 17th at 1:30pm.

    Most of my chickens start to lay right around 24 weeks, and they tend to lay in the late morning/early afternoon, so I'm not sure if the time you want us to guess is when you discover the egg or when the hen actually lays her 1:30pm is right in the middle.

    Keep dreaming about those yummy green chile breakfast burritos. You're almost there!


  52. Found your blog via Don Estorbo's, and suddenly I'm in love with black cats! Deets, please cut your grand adventure short and head home quickly. Your fans and family are worried about you!

  53. Wishing Deets all the way home... hope he shows up soon.

  54. come back home Deets, we all miss you :)

    my guess is 8/2 at 7:32 am

  55. Had a peek over at CSN and I decided to play again:

    Sept 4th at 11:am because that's my birthday.

    I'd choose the Merry Products Washroom Pet House in Espresso - MPS007 to get one of our litterboxes under wraps.

    Come home Deets. George is going to miss giving you burro rides.


  56. Hope Deets returns with tales to tell.

    How about Aug. 2nd about 2 in the afternoon.

  57. One of the Girls will lay her first egg on Friday July 30th. You will find it at 7AM ... but you will drop it because something will brush against your leg. The egg will smash but you won't care because you'll be too busy simultaneously hugging and scolding that darned Cat for making EVERYBODY worry so much.

    If I were to win, and I hope I at least get the Deets coming home time right (or preferably SOONER please Mr D), I'd buy the Roman Inc 20" Donkey Figurine.

  58. First egg will be August 2 @ 6:30 AM.

    Sending up more prayers for Deets!

  59. How awful about Deets! I hope he comes home soon and safely. He hasn't used up all 9 lives yet anyway!!

    My guess for the eggs is August 11 at 7:30 a.m.

    I would buy something practical for my kitchen, like a new pot or pan of gadget!

  60. Deets, stop kidding around and get your butt home!!!

  61. Aug. 5 at 6:25am Mountain time.
    I sure hope Deets comes home soon!!

  62. For a second chance, I need a new outdoor light. I love the Sea Gull Lighting Yorktowne Quorum One Light Box Wall Lantern. Thanks for the chance!

  63. I know exactly how you feel. Praying you find Deets!
    Give him a stern talking to, and then a can of tuna.

  64. Come on Deets...get your lil' kitty butt back home!!! Thinking lots of good thoughts for you Linda.

    OK...chickens...they're a fickle lot ;~)

    I'll guess Aug 5 @ 10:15 AM

    For a second guess...I'd love to have the Patio Perfect Eucalyptus Square Bistro, I'll guess Aug 9 @ high noon!

  65. Oh Linda!
    I'm sending up positive thoughts for Deet's safe return very soon.

  66. Deets, PLEASE come home!

    Aug. 16, 2010; 7;00 A.M.

  67. 2nd chance... It would be really hard to pick because they have so much! I would have to say I would get shoes. Or the automatic pet food and water bowls.

  68. Hope Deets comes home soon. I once lost a dog, but she came back 2 weeks later.

  69. 8/3 around 5:37 am. I would lean towards something for my dogs. Maybe a new bed? Deets, quit worrying Mom and come home where you belong.

  70. *Praying for Deet's safe return*

    August 3rd @ 6:15 a.m.

    Love your blog!

  71. Deets will be home soon.

    You will find the first egg on August 6 at 7:15 am.

  72. Sweet little curly tails Deets, please please take the shortest way home. You are on my mind constantly.

    And yes, we would like to get news of an precious egg, perhaps you'll find it on saturday August 7th, about 8am. And Deets will find a way to pose in the picture with the egg.

  73. I'll guess August 17th 'cause that's my birthday. And 9am for the time.

  74. I hope the wonderful Deets is home soon. Sending you positive thoughts!

  75. Oh Deets! Kitty slap your captors and run on home!!! I pray he does come soon too~
    My B-Day is 8/8 and I was born at 6:30 am so that's the guess for those chickens to plop a goodie egg out!

  76. Random guess is August 13th at 9:30 am. Come home Deets-we all miss you!

  77. Wherever you are, Deets, right now you have the prayers and thoughts of almost 100 people from around the country hoping for your safety. You are one amazing cat and easy to love. Hope we have good news soon.

  78. I'm going to guess Aug 5th 8:15 am.

    and my kitties could use a gigantic cat climbing tree from csn...
    like this one:

    (have you ever considered keeping deets as an indoor only cat? i'm just really worried about, um, coyotes. come home now please deets!!!)

  79. July 29th is my pick. I also hope that Deets comes home!

  80. Nowhere Kansas7/27/10, 8:18 PM

    July 30 at 7:30 am!

  81. Nowhere Kansas7/27/10, 8:29 PM

    Second vote August 4 at 8:04 am. I like the bathroom vanities and the greenhouses!

  82. Praying that Mr. Deets makes it home safely.

  83. August 14th 8am. 8am seems to be about the time our chickens start to lay eggs every day.
    Come home safe Deets. Lots of people are worrying about you.

  84. July 31 at 7am.
    Global Views Pagoda Compote in French White is what I would buy.

    Now, dang it Deets, get home!

  85. Praying for your safe return Deets.

    You'll find the first egg on August 16th at 5:30 a.m.

  86. I'd stay away from home decor and go straight for the outdoor furniture section to grab some new comfy chairs for the deck.

  87. I believe everything is an extension of this loving Universe. I also believe we all live on, whether in this physical form or when we leave it and have had several experiences of the truth of it. Warm comfort to you.

    With love for Deets

    Dear Father, hear and bless Thy beasts and singing birds;
    and guard with tenderness small things that have no words.

    ~A child's prayer

  88. I'm going to guess 8/3 at 3 PM. Seems like a round number somehow!

    I was reading another blog where the chickens had their first eggs and they were "rubber" eggs. Apparently that's a practice egg without the shell. I'd never heard of them! Maybe Wynononna or Smooch would like them. They said they fed them to their dog.

  89. I couldn't decide. They have some really unusual handbags, but there were also some great skillets. Lots of interesting things.

  90. I don't know from chickens, so this is a mad wild guess - I'll say August 5 at 5PM.

    If I won the GC, I'd go with a big old cat tree for my cat Zizi. I think she's kinda bored with my kid away at camp. Plus I thought of something cat-tish in honor of Deets. Glad Estorbo is on the case...

  91. I'm not entering this time since I won the last contest, but one of my orders from the gift certificate I won arrived today. I took a picture of it and wrote a post about this contest:

  92. Found your blog from Nuzzling Muzzles, quite interesting. You have a new follower :) My guess is July 30th about 1p.

  93. Tina in Tillamook7/28/10, 2:04 PM

    My guess is August 13 @ 1:00PM.

    Love your blog - Mr. Deets please come home!

  94. August 2nd, 2010. :D
    My house is furnished, so I am thinking of buying some artwork. I lub art.

  95. Every critter at Fancy Fibers Farm is keeping a paw or hoof or claw crossed for Deets. We're sure he'll make it back . . .

  96. First Egg: Aug 7 at 7:07 AM

    What I'd buy if I'm the lucky winner? A new lamp for our dining room - what we have now is uhhhgleeeey!

    Deets - come home!

  97. So sorry to hear Deets man is missing!!!

    My guess for the first egg, 8/5 7am, before it gets to warm!

    Come home Deets!!!

  98. Looking forward to eggs and hoping for no chicken snakes....August 7th at 7:00. That was my parent's wedding anniversary.

    Many prayers for precious Deets.

  99. I think that eggs will be spotted 8-1 at 10:00 am!

  100. I'm new (4 days now) and having trouble setting up an account tonight. My prediction should have showed 7:00 A.M. on August 7th!

  101. If this is a double comment, just chuck one. I think I lost the last post.

    I guess August 9th at 7am (Hubs' b-day.)

    Hopping over to see what I'd buy next for a second guess.

  102. Just looked at their website. They have tons of cool stuff. I couldn't narrow down just one item, but it would probably be something from their garden department for my back yard.

  103. My guess is 8/4 at 6 am.

    Hate to have to bring it up, but I hope Deets is safe from coyotes and big birds of prey. We believe a coyote took our Rusty 3 years ago right in suburban New Jersey.

    Pam, Simba's Mom

  104. I think you'll find the first egg on 8/13 at 6:17 a.m.

  105. Aug. 5 at 9:45 a.m.

    Checked out the store site - I liked the Texas Irons personalized leather grilling apron! :)

  106. I'm sorry Deets is missing. I'm hoping he is on a Walkabout and returns soon.

    Beautiful chickens with lovely color.

    My guess: 8/11 at 1:07 PM

  107. The first egg will be found on July 31st at 10:37 am...because that's my husband's birthday.

    I would use the money to apply to my kitchen remodel fund.

  108. August 11, 5:30 a.m.

  109. You will find the first egg August 24th at 8am.

  110. 2nd Entry: I'd get a Camp Chef dutch oven and the Camp Chef Log Cabin Dutch Oven Cookbook. (In honor of the 3 ladies, I would cook peach cobbler, not least for the first use). 2nd guess: August 5th at 10:47 AM.

  111. Come home Mr. Deets!!

    And my guess for the egg is August 4th at 7:44AM

    Lots of 4s and a lucky number seven. Not really sure if that means anything :)

  112. Wow, there is so much at the CSN stores, I never knew about, but I am thinking some new curtains for the living room. If i get my guess of Sat Aug 7, at 7 am. Not sure which chicken will be the first, but should be a good day for eggs for breaky!
    Im so sad Deets has gone missing, hope hes okay.

  113. August 1, at 9 a.m.

    Hurry home Deets!

  114. August the 1st, 7.15am

    Hoping that Deets comes home soon, and sending you love and strength while you wait, Linda. Take some rescue rememdy.

  115. Tomorrow morning (07/31) at 5:13 AM your time. And Deets will saunter up shortly thereafter, looking a bit beaten but otherwise healthy.

  116. And for my second entry, were I the winner of said Chicken Watch, I'd buy a pair of those wicked cool muck boots for myself (for when I help clean stalls), and a second pair for the hard-working selfless barn manager who cares so well for my boarded horse.

  117. Know NOTHING about chickens, so the guesses are just that. (They're not even educated guesses...)

    1st guess: 8/11/10 @ 6:00am

    csn purchase: WOW - really like those muck boots! Animals in the barn won't know what to think when they see me coming in a pair of those...

    2nd guess: 8/25/10 @ 6:00am

  118. Okay, I'm going with Mike's birthday, August 14 at 8:35 am.

  119. My comments don't show up..../Boo Hoo! .....and I found the cutest stroller for my spoiled furbaby.
