
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ringside seats at the Indy 500

When I showed you one of Smooch's microbursts the other day, I was relieved to learn that she was not alone in her spontaneous lunacy. Your comments about your dogs doing wild and crazy laps around the yard cracked me up, especially because we all have a unique name for the behavior, like: "FRAP: Frenetic Random Acts of Play" and "fly-bys" or "Indy 500" and "Nascar puppy."

George and Alan happened to be in the vicinity when Smooch had another of her recent microbursts. They can't figure her out either.

Post processing: 1. PW's Warmer action at 50%; 2. MCP's High Def Sharpening at 40% on burros; 3. crop and rotate to straighten; 4. PW's Boost action at 45%; 5. PW's Quick Edge Burn action at 20%

* * *

No news to report on Deets. Your concern for him overwhelms me. Thank you.


  1. Looks like George and Alan are ready to some racing of their own after watching Smooch.

    My Wally does the same thing at least once a day, even in our horrid heat, and he stops as quickly as he starts and then looks at me like, "I'm good ... I'm good".

    Thanks for the updates on Deets ... he'll come trotting home one of these days, tail in the air, and not wanting to tell you his secrets.

  2. That girls a runnin' fool! LOL!

    I didn't think I could use PW's action with my older version of photoshop but it turns out I can. I'm anxious to give them a shot!

    Since you live in the middle of nowhere I'm assuming Deets being gone for so long is not a good sign at all. I'm so very sad for you Linda. And for all of us who adore him.

  3. That dashing around and being completely crazy is joie de vivre in action.

    I'm hoping that Deets is off getting over a bout of cat flu. I'm hoping that's what's wrong with MiMau, too...

  4. I had a dog named Dinah. One of her habits, that she continued through her senior years, was to run in circles hell bent for who knows what.

    But back then I had a teeny, tiny suburban back yard. Her circles were quite small but she still had speed. And yes, they burst of energy would stop as quick as it started.

    Still thinking homecoming thoughts for Deets.

  5. I should take a cue from Smooch and take a daily spin around the parking lot at my apartment building.
    I was so concerned about waiting for Deets that I forgot about the egg production contest. I'm going to guess Sep 1/10 Labor Day at 630am. It's a holiday celebration. If I win my gift will go to my friend Cindy in Texas.
    Best always, Sandra

  6. Love that Alan started getting in on the action! Is he younger than George or is George just more laid back? Still have my fingers xx'd for Deets - hopefully, he's just strollin'....

  7. Love Smooch's antics, and so, apparently, do the boys. What is so worrisome about Deets disappearing is the longer he is gone the less likely he can come back. Coyotes are murder on cats. Our Bacon disappeared a couple years ago and that is most likely what happened to him. He loved to play IN the pond. During the day, that was okay but not at night. Thinking of you and hoping for Deets return....

  8. Is Deets fixed? I know sometimes un-fixed cats will wander. I found one of ours two miles from the farm once! The only reason I knew it was him was because he had a stumpy tail (hence his name stumpy) and he came trotting over and hopped into the car when I called.

  9. Great shots! My beagle (when she was younger) used to do this too. I always thought it was her way of releasing energy after sitting so much all day. Linda, just curious, have you gone out in your mini-truck and searched for Deets? Such a cool cat, I'm sure you miss him so much.

  10. I was expecting George and Alan to start up their own race around the paddock! Rafer and Redford get going and it's absolutely hilarious - pure donkey joy.

    We're all thinking of Deets and hoping he marches up very soon.

  11. George and Alan look terribly confused. And not just a little bit leery.

    Sending all kinds of good thoughts your way and to Deets.

  12. The progression of the pics is absolutely hysterical - this is one of my fave's yet. Pic #2 is the best - George & Alan both look like "Huh?" and "There she goes again."

    My cats have gone missing for up to 2 weeks and have come home. Hang in there.

  13. happytacks! Go girl!

    My cattledog Stella does this. Makes me think she needs to be an agility dog since she doesn't give two poops about herding sheep. (We don't have cattle around here.) But that would mean that I'd have to get up and run, too! LOL!

    Wishing Deets home...


  14. What is the longest that Deets has been gone? Thinking maybe he thought a change of scene/mini vacation was in order? Could he be visiting a faraway neighbors barn? Could he have a girlfriend?

  15. LOL - love all the running around! Loved the burros' reactions. :)

  16. You sure Alan hasn't been watching cutting horse videos? Boy's got some moves!
    Please come home Deets! We are all worried about you!

  17. I love it when my schnauzer does the zoom by! LOL They always look so happy-don't they? I never run-maybe that's why I'm so round. Sending more 'come home quick' thoughs for Deets.

  18. I'm sending prayers for Deets's safe return.

    Christina / SVG

  19. Re Deets


  20. Rosie does this too. Most of us have the same reaction as George and Allan.

    Thinking of you, and continue hoping for Deets to find his way home.

  21. Wonderful shots.

  22. The setters and the dachsie have a long, narrow figure 8 in the back yard that they race on loudly and exuberantly. It's about the best entertainment around.

    Thinking of Deets and waiting for his return.

  23. Geoge and Alan look ready to jump the fence and join Smooch in her crazy race!

    Sending "Come home!" thoughts to Deets.

    Nancy in Iowa

    (My WV is racemerp - is that the kind of race Smooch is running?)

  24. Love that Fraps! LOL my Finny does the same thing to out goats!

    I had a dream last night that Deets came home.

  25. Smooch needs a NASCAR sponsor. :) George and Alan's reaction cracks me up.

    If you're like me, you've covered every inch of your land looking for Deets. Keep the faith. Don't forget to look under/in things, right there in the barn. He may have been injured and crawled in someplace to heal--not really able to meow when you call.

  26. The blog with the cat looking for Deets is so dang cute! Too bad it's a worrisome situation. I had a cat disappear for a few weeks once. I looked all over for him until one day he just showed up, lounging in the yard. Animals can worry us so! Sending good thoughts from me and my animals in California.

  27. I love the burrito brothers mixed reactions to Smooch "on a tear" :p

    I agree with Shirley - Alan is definitely trying some cowhorse moves!! And I am VERY glad that fence is there, otherwise there might be another kind of dust-up!

    Still sending prayers up for Deets. I know Alan, George & Hank are looking for him too.

  28. Came over from Estorbo's blog - do hope Deets wanders back soon. We'll keep you all in our thoughts and Purrs.

    Mom and I have stopped by s lurkers a couple of times before. You have such an interesting animal family and life. Love today's pictures.

  29. Every dog I've ever had does that. Don't know why, but it's funny to watch.

  30. Hehe goodness knows what's going through George and Alan's heads. Reminds me of this advert...

    I had a thought about Deets. My cat is terrible for getting into people's cars and into delivery vans if he gets half a chance (I've even known Dad to come screeching to a halt in the driveway cos Billy has popped his head up in the back seat!). Does Deets ever do this and if so, did you get any deliveries the day he went AWOL? I was just thinking if you could trace where he might be then it would be something to go one.

    **fingers crossed**

  31. Checking in for the day as we have been doing a 4 H Fashion Revue event. Sorry to hear Deets isn't home yet. I would put a curfew on him. Bad cat!! Making everyone worry.

    Go Smooch Go!! One more lap should do it!!!

    St Gertrude: Keep my cat all night,
    From trap or poison, thorn or bite,
    From speeding cars and thieving men,
    And bring him safely home again.

    Just when you least expect it - that's when these silly kitties show up. Our wandering Micio just told Deets to GO HOME!

  33. Great pictures.
    Wished I lived close by. I would get up a posse and go get him.

  34. Our dog, Brad "pit", does laps. In the house. Our house is less than 900 sf. DO NOT get in his way when he does laps if you ever come to visit. He will knock your feet out from under you and then sit on you to try & make up for it...

    Deets is in my morning "litany of gratitude". I'm thanking god, goddess, universe and everything else for his safe and quick return.

  35. I hope you find Deets!
    We call that the 'Butt Run' around here, when the puppies tuck their tails under their butts and scamper around like lunatics!

  36. We've always lived in the country, so I'm guessing that I'm probably familiar with a lot of the thoughts that are running through your head. Please keep this in mind though. We had a cat go missing. She'd never wandered before and one was hit on the road near us, so we were sure it was her. My husband buried her and we said our goodbyes. Almost a full month later I heard something meowing on the back porch. I opened the door and there she was... happy, healthy and looking for dinner. Apparently she'd been on one heck of an adventure. Here's hoping that's the case for Deets!

  37. Joining my thoughts and voice with those hoping for good news about Deets.

    There's no nook or cranny on your place where he could have gotten shut in, I'm sure. At least, none that you haven't checked 825 times.....

  38. You got me! I thought you really had been in Indy.
    I get it.
    Cheryl who really is in Indiana!

  39. When you mention Photoshop "PW" what does that mean? (You probably mentioned it somewhere and I missed or forgot it).
    Went for a walk tonight and found myself looking for Deets. Heh. I'm in NE NJ but you never know. Stranger things have happened. Fingers and tails crossed here. Hope you are okay....

  40. I would get this sport stroller for my spoiled fur kid. She hates walking on our walks....she wouldn't mind riding though.

    August 7 6:45 AM

  41. I first visited you site last Sunday after seeing your photo on the PW site. Stayed up late that night reading your comments and looking at your amazing photos! Upset after reading about Lyle and his mom.....A teenage girl that I have ridden parades and trail rides with had to put her sweet paint mare down on July 4th due to two weeks of colic and refusing to drink. I so understand your choices to live where you do.....surrounded by animals. I'm at that point also. An animal lover whose about your age and sits at a desk all day...Praying for Deets.

  42. Really Smooch had a great time! My dog Flora loves also run like crazy around the yard.

    Sending good thoughts to Deets.

    PS: Love the green vegetation (shrub) you have in your yard. Please, what are its name?
