They told a few friends about a certain garden where lots of leftover chicken feed could be found.

The chickens weren't quite sure what to make of the doves at first, but everyone is getting along just fine...

...and the doves have told a few more friends. Now a bevy of doves shows up every day for the free chicken feed. You see, Clara, Lorena and Peach are total slobs when they eat, so every time I move the chicken tractor to a new spot, they leave behind enough food to feed every other bird in the neighborhood.
Smooch takes the morning watch to make sure nobody starts nibbling on my one blooming iris.

Daffodil takes the afternoon shift.

Nothing like a free buffet to keep the guests coming back day after day. At least I think they're coming back for the food. Who knows? Maybe they're coming to visit that hussy Clara with the long red nails and matching lipstick.

The lipstick was not intentional...she pecked at the brush when I touched up her nails, though it is kind of cute.
As always, your post brought me to laughter with the last picture! Ha, Clara with nails AND 'lipstick' .. she's quite the lady!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the number of doves that come to visit.
Clara's brightened up her look for summer with a little touch of blush as well.
ReplyDeleteClara says, "Just because I'm out here seven miles south of nowhere is no reason not to look my best. It just makes me feel pretty."
Clara is too cute!
ReplyDeleteHow those Mourning Doves do like to multiply. Who knows where they all come from!
What's with all the dead trees around the fence? Do they have a purpose?
I think the lipstick is a great idea! Much easier to spot than toenails in the grass.
ReplyDeleteTell Clara she reminded me of my elderly aunt Ester who (due to failing eyesight) could never quite keep the lipstick inside her lip line. I loved that gal!
Clara looks like she's going out to the saloon later on to get herself into some trouble.
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice when the guards play nice, isn't it?
OMG, this series of pics is so cute...and your captions are so funny! Thanks for the smiles!
ReplyDeleteI think you should Photoshop in some fishnets.
ReplyDeleteAnd they say there is no free lunch in this world.
ReplyDeleteBest always, Sandra
Of course Clara is a hoot!
ReplyDeleteI love the logs and branches around your fence. Never had an occasion to tell you but I do now. Very rustic and much more creative than the typical white picket fence.
Oh that hussy! More of a Mae West imitator "Come on down big boy and sit a spell"..(under Mae West's quotes it said "A man in the house is worth two in the street," so I guess Clara thinks a bird on the ground is better than 2 in the bush).
ReplyDeleteI love the Aunt Ester comment. Guess we all know an Aunt Ester.
As always love the pictures.
I have to say that really is a good color on her.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather have mourning doves than the starlings that hang around here!
ReplyDeleteThe last picture is hysterical! The girls look soooooo cute, especially the two just sitting on the rocks.
ReplyDeleteOh Clara...what a little hussy! But, you have to admit, the color looks fabulous on her dahling. Holy cow, that's a lot of doves. They must be providing hours of entertainment for those watching through the picture window. I find few things more soothing than the call of doves.
ReplyDeleteThey are so pretty! I love Doves. We have a lot of Collared Doves around here and at least two pairs visit my garden.
ReplyDeleteThe oddest sight at the moment, though is a Rook who comes with it's Jackdaw mate (photos not mine). If only humans could get along like that all the time.... :)
The nailpolish cracks me up! I cannot let my daughter see these pics as she will be painting our chicks feet!
ReplyDeleteMel N.Y.
ReplyDeleteOK The chicken with cracked me up ! LOL.
Why that hussy!! :P Her nails may match her lipstick but do her shoes match her purse? No doubt she is a trend setter for other young hens....
ReplyDeleteI always loved the sound of the mourning doves...especially when I was first waking up in the morning...thanks for reminding me of them. :)
Oh, your girls are looking SO pretty. And the nail color to identify them is perfect! I laughed out loud at the lip color..very funny!
ReplyDeleteMy messy wildbirds leave food for the rock doves (pigeons) to chow down on. As long as it gets eaten by something other than a bug, I'm good with that!
ReplyDeleteHow do you know it wasn't intentional....? *grin*
ReplyDeleteThe mourning doves are quite lovely. I'll bet their cooing is a soothing sound.
Gad!! killing me with the lipstick and painted toenails..course..I gave that a thought when my baby calves were identical one year and I was thinking toenail polish was just the ticket!! WHHOOOT!!