Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday encore ~ Windowseat Weather

Since the spring winds have returned, it seems like a perfect time to repeat this post from April 2009. But here's a new tidbit of information for all you Jo-Ann Mapson fans. Her new book, Solomon's Oak, is coming out in October and you can pre-order it at

When the spring winds are blowing, it's just no fun to be outside. But I've got this windowseat in my bedroom, and sitting there is the next best thing.

I can watch for rabbits with Smooch...

and read a book...

and be surrounded by animals. 

Makes me kind of glad the wind is blowing.


  1. I love your window seat ... animal friends inside to cuddle with and animal friends outside to watch their antics! What a wonderful place to read too. Thanks for the input on JoAnn's new book ... I'm going to pre-order it now.

  2. Love the last picture.....what a cutie!

  3. I have always wanted a window seat just like that! For now I have to settle for my couch... but at least I can be surrounded by my animals too!

  4. great content, great humor - thx for the window seat!

  5. You're like Mother Earth, Linda .. everyone gravitates to you! Can you feel the love?

  6. Oh, what cute cats you have! We have a calico, too! We call her "Patches". She lived by herself at the ranch where we used to board our horses. A little girl had her, but moved away, and Patches survived two years of other cats and coyotes, so we brought her home with us. She lives on our bed now!

  7. I love all your animal friends.
    I've been missing our kitty so much, that blogs with cats featured in them make me smile.

  8. Your window seat looks so inviting...great for curling up with a book and a dog or cat or two.

    The cat shot in the last picture is adorable!

  9. It is a very cool window seat... and you have the most amazing view. :)

  10. And such beautiful company to watch with you! I envy the window seat....

    Nancy in Iowa

  11. Aww cute animals. I always wanted a window seat.

  12. Not sure how much you get to read that book with all those cuties surrounding you!!!

  13. Oh Linda, heres a hat band preview for you before it's shipped when the post office opens. I hope it is open on Monday for some reason Thursday/Friday it was closed. Grrr.

  14. Shoot! The link

  15. My dog, Mr. Monty, says he's tired of the wind, too. He likes to prop his chin on the window sill and look out over his land. He says a window seat looks much more comfy!

  16. Love it! My Bob (dog) is a paw crosser also.

  17. All So Very Very DEAR...! Smmoch is such an elegant peaceful dog. And your Cats are all BEAUTIFUL and they seem very peaceful too.
    It must be YOU, my dear.

  18. You bet...the wind is OK if you don't need to be outside. We are used to that here, Chinooks blow from October to April or so. But I'll have to learn to deal with the "loose soil" in NM and I'm thinking there will be days I will NOT wear contacts! Hmmm...I wonder what miniature horses look like with goggles?
