
Thursday, February 4, 2010

The winter of our discontent

Another El NiƱo storm moved through yesterday.
That would be number 12 since the first of December. But who's counting?

The first winter I spent at the 7MSN, there were no storms from December through February –
as in zero, as in not one drop of rain, not one flake of snow.
In the years since then, there have been six or seven storms each winter.

So, yeah, the weather this winter is a little unusual.

We're all taking it in stride,

though it seems everyone is wearing a permanent expression of disbelief.

I knew when I moved here that there might be days I could not get out to the highway;
I just didn't expect this many in a row.

But life will get back to normal sooner or later, and I can just picture what will happen
when all this snow and rain and mud goes away.

Oh happy day.


  1. The snow pictures are pretty, but I feel your pain as yet another winter storm moves our way too. This is getting really old! Your last picture was like a breath of fresh air though ... I have to keep that in my mind as I look out the window!

  2. Seems you've been getting hit unusually hard this year. Glad to see Wynona and the gang are taking it in stride. We're expecting your weather here by Saturday, I'm so done with winter this year too. Hang in there.

  3. Last year we had such a winter as you. Snow everyday. Storm after storm. This winter has been very quiet and easy thus far. Please don't send it up this way!

  4. The last picture is what we are all yearning for! We've lived in the country 17 yrs and this is the first time we have ever LITERALLY been snowed in and it happend TWICE this year. Definitely a winter of discontent here, too. I'm starting to have symptoms of SADD. Its cloudy & rainy today with snow expected tonight into the next three days...

  5. Thanks so much for that last picture. Yes, oh happy day!!! Everyone does look like they're taking it all in stride.

  6. Just think how green the grass really will be when it warms up. You many not have to feed hay all summer.

  7. The colors in that last photo just took my breath away.... I wasn't expecting it. Thanks for the reminder that better things are ahead!

  8. Brrrr! I hope you stocked up on supplies! At least you're surrounded by lots of great company.

  9. Such crazy weather we are having this winter and to think it's already February!!

  10. Just think how all that moisture is going to make things extra green and lush this spring!
    **ahem** no snow in this corner of Canada***

  11. Wow such a drastic change in colour there between the pictures.

  12. Yep, soon it will look like that last picture. Lot of storms though!!! Your barn looks cozy though!!

  13. When I saw the radar on the Weather Channel, I just knew you'd get dumped on. It's more rain here.

  14. Yes, the snow will be good for the grass but it's tough when it's going on.

  15. Wow! We are getting more snow here then we have had in a very long time. We are expecting up to 24+ inches tomorrow through Saturday

  16. lol - I am such a humbug from this weather. I looked at the last picture and thought - great - even MORE FUEL for wildfires this summer :(

    I hope spring shows up quickly - and the mud dissipates quickly too.

  17. Way to keep your eye on the prize!

    Next week is another articblast. How in the world do you keep enough supplies on hand?

  18. The last picture is a good reminder. It will come again. I do have buttercups sticking their stems up with snow around them.

  19. Your photos are just beautiful! So glad I found your blog. Here in Southern California we have gotten an exceptional amount of rain too, including an entire week of it! We are supposed to be getting more starting tomorrow. Unfortunately, the rain isn't as pretty as the snow... But, no complaining! We all need the moisture badly.

  20. Maybe you'll have some good grass this spring.

    I love that last photograph. What a contrast to the others.

  21. I live in the east and you keep sending these storms on to us. And our local weather man says there are plenty more El Nino sorms coming from the west to us this winter.

  22. The last picture was like quite the happy shocker. Looks like we're getting our summer monsoons in the winter this year instead. We've got over a foot on the ground now.

    I can't wait to see all the green lush grass. I had almost forgotten what it grass and earth looked like until you shared your photo.

    Tijeras, NM

  23. great shots.. here in montana.. . trust me, i feel your pain :)
    happy trails

  24. OMG! You just took me (in lightspeed mode) through the winter and into the spring in NM. Gorgeous..and possible, as much as it might not seem that way right now. It will happen and just think of the hay quality you'll get this year? And the flowers and the birds and the ....

  25. Wow! I live in Indiana. We've had a little but somehow the snows have gone south or north or to either side for the most part. It hasn't been bad. We need the moisture here to keep the water table up for the farmers.

    Your snow looks pretty (from here), too, but that last picture is GORGEOUS!!! I'm thinking your ranch is going to bloom beautifully not too long from now.

  26. Oh, I feel for you and all your furry critters. If you see dogsleds, you'll know you're really in trouble...

    ...hey...I just had a thought. Have you considered putting sleigh runners on your wagon & hooking up the boys when you need to make a supply run to town?

  27. That's several storms too many.
    While we here in the opposite corner of the country, where by now we should be up to our hips, have almost no snow on the ground. Odd.
    Keep thinking good thoughts. I have as my desktop background a photo I took of the loaded down peach tree last spring. It helps.

  28. But, of course, living in a semi-arid area as we do in Sonoma, you welcome the snow for the spring water it brings us. You know the spring flowers will be beautiful.

  29. I just read your story, wonderful Shirley over at Ride A Good Horse kept telling me to check you out I finally got here and glad I did. Excellent blog.
