
Monday, February 8, 2010

The sky is blue, the mud is brown

Finally, a sunny and warm weekend. The snow from the most recent storm melted fast and furiously, and by Sunday morning, I was able to venture out for a nice long hike with Smooch without the risk of having my boots sucked off.

The road out to the highway is still pretty much impassable except in the middle of the night when it's frozen, but the warmer temperatures offered a glimmer of hope that our lives might one day return to normal...

...where normal equals driving in axle-deep ruts but at least not getting stuck.

Alas, by Sunday afternoon the snow and sleet had started again, and the cycle of slop will begin anew. The old-timers in the area say there hasn't been a winter like this since 1999. They also say the grass that year was two feet high.

Smooch is just as anxious as I am for that first green sprout.


  1. Smooch, I know exactly what you mean. Spring can't arrive soon enough!

    In the mean time, don't get lost in those muddy ruts!

  2. Boy o boy, what a mess you have, but, hopefully, all this horrid weather will be gone soon and sunshine, warmth and green will return!

    Thank goodness we escaped the big storm as it skirted north of us, and then went east, but more snow is forecast for tonight and tomorrow and ..... UGH!

  3. Very interesting perspective of the road and smooch's belly! she looks to be saying "eh, whatcha doing down there"?
    heres to spring
    Theresa in ALberta

  4. Raining again here too. We've had to buy square bales because it's too muddy to take the tractor to haul a round bale out to the back pasture. We're trying to remain grateful because we know the grass likes it. I just washed grimy horse blankets Saturday, but temps are supposed to drop into the 20s again tonight, so I guess I'll be blanketing them again. We know what they'll look like by tomorrow.

  5. My friend in the east MOuntains has over 4 feet of snow! We are lucky we are not over there! She has no idea where to "Put" any more snow that might fall!

  6. Glad to see the New Mexico blue sky. We are headed there this week so my little girl can build a snowman.

    After that, spring can come. :D

    Smooch looks so wistful.

  7. Glad you two got to get out for a walk. I'm sure it did you both a world of good! Sorry for more of that frozen wet stuff last night. As always, great pictures. I love the third one!

  8. mmmgreen. We have had hardly any snow this year and last year we had record amounts. We are supposed to get 6 inches or so tomorrow so I can finally use my sleigh again!

  9. Love the Smooch-level view. Love your window seat too, what a lovely room.

  10. Amen, amen, amen! This is the permanent winter -- or so it seems. A dry yard and dry dogs would be a wonderful thing!

  11. Cabin fever will set in soon if you don't get some good drying weather. Smooch already has it:>)

    Freeze and thaw cycles are not pretty. Glad you were able to get out on foot at least.

    Beautiful sky. Hope the next storm blows past you and you get a good long dry spell.

  12. We don't see the first green sprout until the end of April here in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Sorry, even mud is looking good to me right now and the blue sky is enough to make me weep! Love the photos.

  13. I hope you have enough provisions for everyone to last out this weather!

  14. I can sympathize with you, 7MSN, but I completely understand the post from Liz in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan. I live "under the bridge"...that would be the lower penninsula of Michigan...and we have 3-days of white stuff headed our way beginning tonight. Until now our winter hasn't been too bad. Last year hubby plowed 19-times by now but this year he's only plowed 5-times. Yay for reprieves!

  15. "Cycle of slop." LOL!!!

    That's ONE MUDDY ROAD.

  16. Things are sprouting here and I feel so guilty...ruts work though. Having a neighbor down the road in Corona who works for the highway department and takes his ROADGRADER home with him is sweet!

  17. I came by for another visit and just had to add another comment.

    You're the only person I know who can make a mud rut in the road look pretty.

    I'm just sayin'. Keep up the good work.

  18. I "covet" the window seat. I bet the cats love that and the top of the bureau too! Belton Belle

  19. Love the perspective! The mud under Smooch's belly is a view I can't say I ever expected to see. :-)
    Spring...bring it on - we're ready up here, too!!

  20. I hope they get your road fixed soon. What an awful winter this has been for so many of us! Hang in there.

    BTW - I LOVE your new header picture. Wow. It is stunningly gorgeous!

  21. Incredible weather and the aftermath is really something..!
    Smmoch is so very dear....Love that picture of him sitting on the bed looking out longingly....!
    Those ruts are pretty frightening!

  22. Ahh I wish I could see the ground beneath all our snow!

    Enjoy it spring is almost here!

  23. I love that first photo so much. Interesting and unique perspective.
