
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Muddy Buddy

I'm not going out in that slop. No way. Nuh-uh. Not a chance.

Me neither. And if we stay in here, she
feels sorry for us and feeds us more often.



  1. Yikes, what a muddy mess you have!

    I'm looking at the last picture and wondering if it's just the way it's taken or if you acting like Deets and walking on the fence?

  2. Poor guys! We had a ton of rain a week and a half ago and our guys were mucking around in it and covered with mud. Thankfully, it has dried up now, but more rain on the way.
    Winter in the desert...

  3. Love that bell and the shadow it casts on the barn. :) Smart boys not to want to go out in the mud.

  4. My little guy hates hates hates rain, would starve before he came out in it to graze. The horses will stand out in a thunderstorm they don't care. Our place looks like this as well, no snow but so much rain and Gappi is sooo not happy about it.

  5. Oh my gosh the view you have is amazing. Great pics!

  6. You have to be kidding? Every equine I've ever known loves the mud. It's usually about 4 hours before a ride, too. Still a bit too wet to brush out of their coats.
    Maybe the burro brothers are too smart for all that silly horse stuff?

  7. Our horses are caked in mud and our pastures are full of standing water. I am looking forward to the drier days of summer!


  8. Pat, I'm not nearly as adept as Deets at walking on the pipe fence, so I just straddle it.

  9. The snow sure was a lot prettier! I don't blame them, I'd be hanging out inside too!

  10. I don't blame them! Although, I suppose it's a good sign that all that white stuff is melting.

  11. Such sweet faces comtemplating the situation.

    My guys don't like to step in the mud either. Yet, they'll gladly roll in it. Doesn't make much sense to me but hey, horsie logic is what counts. LOL

  12. I love the new banner with all 4 boys! And I think the burros just did their nails and don't want to mess up the hooves.

    Nancy in Iowa

  13. Sigh. That muddy slop is what our world here has been for months now. It's on every one, every thing, every place - the rest of the country is anxious for some warmth (and no more snow) - while we are just holding our breaths waiting for the mud to dry. :-)
    Feed them some more, Linda - mud sucks. lol

  14. OH -- my guys will be SO ready for the mud in NM on days like this. If they didn't want to contend with the mud they would spend half of their year hunkered down in the barn and my hay bill would skyrocket!

    "Suck it up" 7MSN boys!

  15. That is exactly the scenario going on here this week - if I had a 6-horse trailer and some cash we'd be heading for dry, sunny climes!

  16. Wise burros.

    We have the same thing in a more black/brown color. It's shoe sucking, slip making, floor smearing, won't-dry-until-july mess.

    El Nino is just a little trouble maker. Somebody needs to put that kid back to bed.
