
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Free Willie

It was just after two o'clock yesterday afternoon when I heard the strangest noise coming from the barnyard. Smooch heard it, too, and became very alarmed, barking and carrying on.

I looked out the window and discovered that the noise was the sound of a plastic pail being scraped along the gravel path.

Willie, would you like me to take that off your head?

Yes, please.

Willie doesn't get mentioned very often over here. To be honest, I didn't want you all to get too attached because I didn't think he'd be around much past the fall. His arthritis has been getting worse, and I thought I might have to make the big decision before the onset of winter. Wanting to make him as happy as possible, I started giving him a cup of sweet feed with his hay for dinner. Well if that didn't turn out to be a magical elixir. The old fella has a new lease on life.

He's not as spry as he was in his youth, but I hope he'll be around to see another spring.


  1. Did Willie explain why, and how, that bucket got on his head? Having once had goats, I can only imagine! HA!

    Love the last picture ... aaaaah spring!

  2. Since I am new here I like putting a face with the name. So now I know Willie. And I glad he hasn't kick the "bucket". Sorry for the pun. Is it okay to say on every post, I love your pictures.

  3. That last pic is so sweet!
    Glad to hear he is doing well with the sweet feed.

  4. what a fat cutie... he needs scratched behind the ears from me :)

  5. What a sweet face! I think he was impersonating the boy from Charles Dicens novel: please, mom, can I have some more (sweet feed).

  6. Aw, I hope Willy's around for another spring, too. Cute pictures!

  7. Yay Willie! He probably started out having a great time with that bucket but I'm guessing he was glad you were there to take it off. He was such a cute kid! Here's to seeing him with the wildflowers come spring.

  8. Hahhaa too cute. Hopefully the ol guy will be around for a wile longer.

  9. Glad to see Willie get a little face time. He's just as cute as the rest of the gang. Actually I'm kinda thinking (just my two cents) that you might think about the 2011 calendar including everyone. As much as I love the Burrito Brothers, I'm pretty much smitten with everyone...and I think I'm not the only one that's fallen so hard!

  10. Sweet feed for a sweetie.

  11. Did George and Alan have anything to do w/the bucket??? Hope Willie has a couple more springs in him...

  12. Oh - that is too cute - and I'm happy to hear that bit of sweet in his life is making him so happy!!

  13. Sweet feed is the elixer of life!

    Btw I had a dream that I was at 7msn and there was a guy running around in a mountain lion suit. I hope this doesn't mean you've got a salesman on his way.

  14. He's adorable!! But Wynonna shall own my heart forever. Someday I'm gonna kiss her on her muddy snout. Someday!

  15. What a little rascal. He seems very sweet and I'm glad to hear he's feeling better.

  16. Willie is so cute. What a silly boy to get a bucket up and over his head. :)

  17. Yeah! Finally a Willie post! He is so adorable and deserves his time in the spotlight. Glad to hear the sweet feed is his elixir.

  18. OMG, or Willie, read my mind. I had just been ready to write to you to ask how your ole man was..and here he is doing some manual labor around the place proving his mettle. Good for you and good for Willie. It's the quality and not the quantity of life of course and Willie has a handle on the quality part for now. Hugs to you little man.

  19. So nice to get to know Willie better - have been wondering about that sweet little guy. And his baby picture - oh my ... Spring is just round the corner, Willie!

  20. awww, what a cutie! : )

  21. Carry around a bucket for long enough, maybe some lunch will fall into it!
    Whatever he was doin' with that bucket, it must have seemed like a good idea at the time!

    Live it up, Old Willie!

  22. SWells in Oklahoma2/3/10, 4:35 PM

    Some days you just have a bucket around your neck ... other days you're in a field of sweet grasses.

  23. Love Willie and appreciate your consideration of our feelings. BUT...we have all been there done that and rejoice in the days he has with you, his sweet feed and the warming sun!

  24. He looks so cute! I hope his new elixir continues to help him!

  25. Awe Willie, you sweet, fuzzy thing. I just want to hug you.

    Are you trying to tell mom something about your bucket list?

  26. Aww, poor Willie - glad you were close by to remove the bucket!
    I'm thinking strong and healthy thoughts for you, cute little goat! :-)
