
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Enjoying the extra minutes of daylight

With the snow and the mud out of the picture, at least for the time being,
it's easier to notice that the days are gradually getting longer.

There's a little extra time each day to spend out with the boys.

They seem to enjoy the extra time together as much as I do,

doing their best to make sure I stay outside as long as possible.


  1. Oh no!! He didn't dump that bucket, did he??? LOL

    Yes, the days are getting longer, which means spring IS on it's way. Woo hoo!

  2. Oh so that is what daylight looks like.
    Your shadow looks a little like Moses with his staff.
    Aren't our animals like children, it seems like they see a camera in our hands and know we can't react quick.

  3. Oh no he didn't, did he? :)

  4. I'm enjoying the extra sunlight, too!

  5. I wanna know if the sh*t ever hit the, ground?

  6. Was your "Hey, stop that!" in time?

  7. Of course they enjoy your company. You're one of the herd. An important one who knows how to open latches and get into the feed room.

  8. It is nice now that the days are getting a bit longer with each passing day. Last night I fed an hour later and everyone was very upset. You would have thought they hadn't eaten for days by the way they acted! lol Did you have to clean up the same poo again?

  9. Lyle seems like he's so PESKY!! I guess anything is entertainment when the snow melts!

  10. What trouble-makers! Yes, the days are definitely getting longer, long enough that I can actually still see the sun when I get off work! Today I will finally get to visit my ponies in the daylight!

  11. I agree!! So much nicer to do chores with at least a hint of sunlight. :)

  12. I am new here but am throughly enjoying it.

  13. Brats, all of them. But, hey, what would we do without them, huh?

  14. Was that "Mother Time" there in the shadow, clicking away our moments of life while the boys play with the bucket of plums?

  15. nice post. thanks.
