Every once in awhile, though, a link shows up that leaves me completely flummoxed, like this one that appeared on Saturday.

What in the world is the EFSA and why would they be linking to my website?
I clicked on the link and found a 19-slide Powerpoint presentation from the European Food Safety Authority.

This has got to be a mistake, I thought, as I read through the presentation, with its scientific opinions and conclusions and uncertain meta-analysis due to heterogeneity among estimates. Oh yeah, this has alot to do with the 7MSN ranch.
Then I got to slide 16.
And there she was.

Of all the pigs in all the world, Mr. Greiner picked none other than the porcine princess herself to include in his presentation.
When I went outside to tell Wynonna about this development, she was not the least bit surprised that word of her stunning beauty had spread across the pond. She yawned and requested I not wake her again unless the news was really important, like her invitation from the Queen had finally arrived.
I'm sitting here with coffee cup in hand, reading ... reading, and think I'd better put my cup down, something is going to become of this, and low and behold, by the end of your post I was laughing at Wynonna's comments! I'd better watch what I laugh at though ... stranger things have happened.
ReplyDeleteWynonna's famous just as she should be!
ReplyDeletewell, they sure chose a great photo! I love it too.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear she's finally getting the attention she deserves!
ReplyDeleteHa-ha. Too funny! I just love Wynona. (Okay, I love ALL your critters!)
ReplyDeleteObviously Wynonna has admirers near and far. I just have to shake my head though. Color me flumoxed!
ReplyDeleteHow funny that he chose Wynonna. But then, could he have chosen better? I think not.
ReplyDeleteHey Carson! Betty here -- this is absolutely hilarious...
ReplyDeleteWe're sure that the invitation from the Queen will eventually arrive! The funniest things happen, don't they?
ReplyDeleteWynonna was the perfect choice - actually, his only choice! WAY TO REPRESENT WYNONNA!
ReplyDelete*laughing* The internet is a wondrous place to say the least!
ReplyDeleteI learned something new today ... Google Alerts! I had no idea!
ReplyDeleteAND that Wynonna is loved the world over. It's not wonder she primps and preens like she does. The girl has fans!
How crazy is that?! Wow!! Now I have to go investigate Google Alerts...
ReplyDeleteLol! Wynonna is truly star material. Such grace. It takes a special someone to stay grounded with all that attention.
ReplyDeleteBig Smooch for you, Girl!
I think I found the key to the mystery, right there at the top of page 2!
ReplyDelete"Transmission from wild boars to pigs is thought to be through the venereal route, as crossed piglets (striped) have been reported, at least in France and Portugal."
Is it a coincidence that Her Royal Porkiness appears, in fact, stripe-y in that picture?
Oh, me, now you have a celebrity on your hands.
ReplyDeleteFor this recognition, Wynonna deserves a larger spa.
ReplyDeleteI was afraid it was going to be a pork chop factory, all set to kidnap Wynonna!
ReplyDeleteNot only is Wynonna beautiful, she is apparently also well connected!
ReplyDeleteEuropeans have always been about style and Wynonna is the Audrey Hepburn of Pigs. It's only a matter of time before the House of Chanel is clamouring to dress her.
ReplyDeleteWow! Wynonna is famous now!! Isn't that pretty darn cool! But than again, she is one cool pig!
ReplyDeleteI've been out of town and missed the big news! Who knew Wynonna is now an international celebrity of epic proportions? Everytime I step into this blog, I leave smiling. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteYou just never know what is going to develop over at the 7MSN. This is one for the record books - I mean, what are the chances, right?
ReplyDeleteExcellent post and writing style. Bookmarked.
ReplyDeleteOK, I'm just now seeing the post from January about Wynonna's European fame ~ amazing this internet thing, huh?