
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lyle and Hank take a cat nap

Psst...wake up...there's the cat again.

No big deal.

He's just a little scaredy-cat.

I think you hurt his feelings.


  1. Oh, poor Deets! I guess he thought he'd better 'high tail' it outta there.

  2. Now there's a copycat. He is trying his hand at being a horse. Deets is sure a character.
    Best always, Sandra

  3. It was all good until Deets came along. I'm thinking it might have been more like a Cat Nightmare.

  4. Nap time, best time of day:)

  5. Deets looks like a little tuff guy with that shaved fur cuff. Even when hightailing it. :)

  6. Love the double yawn photo, you gotta wonder what's going on in their minds. The next photo looks like poor Deets is getting the double glare- there's a line there that means no Deetses past this point!

  7. How on earth do you get such shots (Deets and Hank yawning)!?

    I would think after what happened that Deets would avoid the horses like the plague.

  8. CeeCee - patience, timing, and most of all - luck.

    When I'm not in the immediate vicinity, Deets is steering way clear of all hooves. I'll try to get some video of this, once the weather warms up. It's really something that has to be seen to be believed.

  9. Great pictures of the boys napping in the sun. They look so relaxed. Hope Deets learned his lesson and is staying clear of hooves.

  10. I'd be a scaredy cat, too, if I'd been stepped on by those big feet--wait a sec--I HAVE been stepped on by big horsie feet. Just not with quite as serious results...

  11. Deets is so funny how he ends up in most of the pics. He knows he is a celebrity! Great pic with the two yawns at the same time.

  12. So peaceful - and there comes Curly Tail himself ... love it every time! And by now I'm sure I would know the silhouette of Deets among a hundred black cats.

  13. Just his presence amongst them shows he's no scaredy cat.....He's just plotting his revenge...

  14. Deets definitely knows how to worm his way into the pictures. Wonder what it feels like to have "brothers" who tower over you?

    Nancy in Iowa

  15. Haha the yawning thats good.

  16. I was surprised to see Deets that near to the horses. Thank you for telling us he is more careful when you aren't there. Still, that makes me nervous for him. Hope the hoof is not quicker than the eye as are hands, or else you would never be able to save him.

  17. I think Deets is trying to work through the fear of hooves. Hmm, I wonder if there's a name for that phobia.

  18. Now how in the world did you que that feline and the equines to yawn at the same time! AWESOME! Don't you ever have cloudy days! HAHA...your pictures are always sunny and bright! I am beginning to wonder if there is a sun anymore! It has been so long since we have seen the sun around here.

  19. I might have been tempted to join those boys in a sunny nap! They looked so peaceful, even Deets.

  20. I had the exact same question as Cee-Cee.

  21. Oh, how wonderful to see Lyle again. Thank you so much for having the older posts available for us.
    Have a peaceful weekend!
