Sunday, December 27, 2009

George and Alan meet Sherlock Holmes and Peter Pan

You might remember Ruby, Smooch's new best friend from last year's Easter celebration. Santa brought Ruby a Peter Pan outfit and a Sherlock Holmes cape and investigative toolkit. What kid doesn't want to starting playing with all their Christmas presents right away?

George and Alan were a tad skeptical about Ruby's ensemble.

I'm no fashion expert, but I think
that might be a Glamour Don't.

Once George realized the kid in the cape and sparkly, flapping,
shiny green dress gave hugs, he was cool with it.

Cool enough to dish out a few hugs of his own.

Ruby, what are you doing?

Checking for fleas.

I'm pleased to report that her thorough investigation turned up nothing.


  1. Ruby looks so cute all dressed up. Alan isn't so sure.....

  2. Ruby is a cutie! Maybe she is starting a new fashion trend!

  3. Isn't Ruby adorable, and what fun George and Alan are having with her!

  4. A fashionista in the making, and of course a couple of critics...they're everywhere, those critics!

  5. Ruby is so cute! Her investigative skills are awesome. It's important to let her know that not finding the little buggers is more important than finding them! Fun, fun, fun.

  6. I think George and Alan are wondering why she doesn't have to wear the blasted elf hat!

  7. Ah, Ruby has given me something to smile about for the rest of the day. Hey, maybe even for the rest of the year. Thank you!

    Hope you are getting some relaxing done after that marathon Christmas dinner preparation. We are so relaxed here we didn't even have Christmas until the day after, once we were all properly assembled in the same part of the state...

  8. What a stylin' Sherlock! It's good that she has specimens to do some sleuthing with right away. But fleas, no, dear Holmes,,,,check back in a few months for flies though.

  9. Ruby is adorable! All she needed to complete her little outfit was some swim fins and goggles. lol.

  10. What, plaid and Tinkerbelle don't go together?

    At least sweet Ruby has a close eye on the bug situation ; )

  11. She is so lovely, and looks very confident around the curious Alan and George. And of course they trust her too!

  12. I'm all about fashion Don'ts!! Especially when they involve Peter Pan! Glad George came around and got some holiday lovin' from the little investigator.

  13. Priceless!
