
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What did you do with your extra hour?

Whomever decided that daylight savings time was a good idea did not have a herd of animals expecting their dinner at the same time every day regardless of what the clock says.

While wiling away the extra 60 minutes between daylight dinner time and standard dinner time, George and Alan stood around gossiping. Hank feared they were talking about him.

George demonstrated that the New Mexico light is particularly flattering to burros no matter the hour of the day.

With a bray heard 'round the neighborhood, Alan announced that the world was about to end as he had not been served his dinner at the appointed time.

And I took pictures. Some things never change, regardless of falling back or springing forward.


  1. HA ... cute pictures and commentary!

    Funny what creatures of habit they are and time changes simply aren't built in! Wally is practically laying belly up in front of his food dish ... yep, he's thinking he'll be a goner before the clock strikes that magical hour!!

  2. I spent an hour trying to figure out what time it was. Then, I realized I am living in Arizona, now. Thankfully we don't have to play with time changes, here.

  3. Yeah, those animals sure are something. My cats have decided to take matters into their own paws and shredded the cat food bag to help themselves.

  4. I'm feeding an hour earlier so I can get to bed earlier - oh, an extra hour of sleep!!! YIPEE, YAHOO, I rec'd my calendar yesterday. Now I can take down my 2004 calendar of Tim McGraw! Thanks Carson.

  5. I have six week old puppies that eat four times a day. First feeding is at 5:00 AM. Since the little guys cannot tell time, 5:00 was really 4:00 (New Time). Daylight savings time is pretty useless, isn't it?

  6. Yes, twice a year our dogs stage a revolt. It's called the Animals Against Daylight Savings Time.

    I suspect burros do it even louder.

  7. My farm animals didn't understand the time change either "where's the food?"

  8. You should enter this contest!!
    With your animals and your sense of humor you could create a really funny card!

    terry in KC

  9. Yep, we're trying to get some work done outside as the herd mills around us giving us the look..."Are you two daft?" In all actuality, we wanted to be done too...but the clock said otherwise.

  10. I wish they would just leave the time dogs are still on the old time....they want to be fed at normal time...not this new thing....cute photos..

  11. I love the last pic. George - what long legs you have for a little burro!
    I can't wait to get my G & A calendar. :) (or is that A & G?)

  12. Cute pics, nice tripod (or quadpod) in that last post!

  13. Our new puppy thinks he is dying because breadfast and dinner are at a different time LOL I am trying to change it by a half an hour to get him used to the new time, funny how the animals internal clocks work!

  14. My animals are having that problem too! It confuses the tummies!

  15. man.. the poor beasts of burden..had further burden.. hurry up and wait!

  16. Poor Alan, he was obviously very worried that he might fade away due to lack of sustenance! As if!!! :)

  17. No clocks for Mokey and Jag. Of course I have been working on establishing a reputation for eccentricity. They are never quite sure when they will be fed supper. Moke just figures that if he is awake and near the kitchen and me it is time. He is a large cat and sleeps many hours a day. Dennis says he is dreaming about chasing deer. Not on a bet. Afraid of everything.

  18. Yup, and add to the crew at my there is Creel, the new Greyhound. He was only home one week and getting used to feeding times and ka-plooey, we changed 'em on him.

    Poor boy.

  19. Same problem up here in Maine. Sheep were yelling, llama was pacing and dogs were circling the bed because they were thinking we "over slept". If you own animals you know you are not allowed to "over sleep".
    They are sure to tell you that;)

  20. I'm lamenting the end of evening rides, myself. I used to have a life where I could get up when the sun did, no matter what the clock said.

    Primitive paradise, I tell ya.

  21. I love and adore this time change. But it did mess with my dog's mind. The horses seem none the worse, but the dog is all jacked up now.

  22. great post. I enjoyed the pictures and witty comments.

  23. Great Photo's!! And yes animals don't care about what we humans do to the clock.. They're on animal standard time 24-7. Love and Light, Nina P

  24. Oh my gawd. So true! The Swiss have nothin' on a hungry animal on a feeding schedule. You could set your clock by my guys. It would be an hour out, but, you could.

  25. Once again I am grateful to live up here in Saskatchewan where we are sensible and don't fool with our clocks! lol
