
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Moonset over Los Piños mountains

This is the third in a series of what I call pajama shots – you can see the first and second pajama shots here and here.

pa•ja•ma shot n. a photograph taken while wearing pajamas, shortly after photographer awakens, looks out window, and stands agape at view. May or may not involve wearing of slippers, depending how fast photographer runs out door. Subject matter typically involves sun, moon, sky and/or breathtaking light.

Check out the links on the Skywatch home page to see if anyone else ran outside half naked this week in pursuit of a photograph.


  1. Awesome pa-ja-ma shot! If that was me I'd stand there in awe and totally miss taking such an incredible picture.

  2. Love the photo, love the concept--especially as I just came back inside in my sock feet and a creative early morning outfit. No cows out there to snicker, just the usual commuters who should be used to seeing me wandering around with the camera most mornings just before dawn.

    Beautiful moon shot!

  3. I love it when I come into the office and the first thing I do is open your blog. Today the first words out of my mouth....... "OMG"
    Thanks for helping me start out my day with such beauty!!!

    Terry in KC

  4. After seeing that ginormous spider on your porch, I think I wouldn't be walking out of the door without at least hipweighters from now on.

  5. What a beautiful sky! Lately, I've been doing a lot of those 'pajama shots' too. I just can't get over how gorgeous our mornings (and evenings) have been here in the Southwest USA!!

  6. You're a crack up. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Beautiful! I am glad I am not the only one who does this! :)

  8. What a beautiful way to begin the day!


  9. The moon this week was spectacular and we had clear skies as well.

    I still don't have a camera, I wish I had.

    One night looking outside was nearly as bright as day.
    your jammies.

  10. Yup. Just lovely. Don't know which moonshot I like better, yours or Fantastyk Voyagers- they are both beautiful!

  11. Absolutely stunning. Could only be improved with a burro in the foreground.

  12. Just beautiful. If only we could incorporate a shot of the p.j.'s too!

  13. What a great picture. I like your idea of taking pictures in pjs. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Thanks for the awesome moonshot, (gave me goosebumps) and the new term in my vocabulary!

  15. Beautiful late evening capture..did you see any Coyotes wandering around?


  16. Such are a hoot! Neat shot. I know lots of folks who run out to catch a shot in their pj's, however, I think I'll either be dressed or grab a coat...dang, guess I'm a party pooper...oh well...thanks for sharing. :-)

  17. What an incredible moon shot!! Fantastic! And I'm so glad I'm not the only one running outside pj clad -- the neighbors have started a "pj watch" here. Just hope it doesn't get worse!!!

    Enjoy your weekend!


  18. That's the view from your HOUSE?!? Wow!

  19. How lucky you are to have such a fantastic view just out your door. But it is your skill that captured this nice photo. I love the concept. I will be back next week for more.

  20. Your world is so different from mine - but also soooo beautiful :) Amazing Sky Wathc post :)

  21. Love your pyjama shot :-)

    What a breathtaking view to wake up to ..... the desert certainly has it's own beauty...

  22. Wow! Absolutely stunning photo! Love New Mexico mountain and vegetation!

  23. Great pajama shots. I have a hard time seeing early in the morning, let alone taking a picture.

  24. That is a really neat capture of the full Moon over the mountain.

  25. That's lovely! I'd like to download it please if that's ok. I'm also going to have to go back and re-download all the others I've gotten before. Had to reformat. UGH!!! Drivers!!!!

  26. My full understandin. Mine are as often as not, nightie shots. I have taken to taking my camera t the bedroom not to miss anything fabulous.

    An absolutely glorious capture indeed.
    So often we are awakened just at the right time to have our jaw drop, grab camera and shoot.

  27. Good morning, moon.

    I've missed several opportunities like this because my camera crapped out and I had to ship it off for service.

  28. For me, it doesn't top the amazing 11/13 shot, but it's still gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

  29. What a spectacular shot! Well worth running outside in your pjs for.

  30. Gorgeous Linda....someday it will be my moon down there too.
