
Monday, November 2, 2009

Deets rethinks his idea of making a house call

Everyone around here gets along harmoniously, except for Smooch and Deets. Smooch has a hissy fit whenever Deets is the object of my attention and affection. No fool he, Deets stays on his side of the fence, and Smooch has no choice but to stay on hers.

Last week when we had a little snow and a lot of cold, I didn't spend as much time outside as I usually do, and Deets decided to make a house call. Seriously, I think he wanted to make sure I was ok. Smooch made it very clear that it was her turn to watch over me and she had everything under control.

Deets went back to his post at the barn, and I went back to work, safe and secure in the knowledge that my guardian angels have my best interests at heart.


  1. It makes me want to go out there and give Deets a big hug. BUt he'd probably hate that. My animals are all jealous of my attention too. It's so interesting to me what a strong instinct it is for all of us creatures.

  2. It must be a personality clash!
    My mom had a cat (Kitty Tiger) who used to flip food off the kitchen counter to the dog below. It was so funny to watch this team at work. They slept together too.
    Best always, Sandra

  3. It's always nice to have someone to watch over us.

  4. That has to be comforting knowing that your furry friends look out for you, but I got such a laugh over your series of pictures of Smooch vs Deets. Poor Deets in the last picture though ... he looks slightly defeated.

  5. I just recently found your blog from a friend and I could not have been more delighted! What an awesome life you lead with your wonderful animals. I think it is great that you made a new life for yourself and left the corporate world behind. Very inspiring!


  6. Too cute! Hey ya gotta try once and a while right?

  7. Deets is wise beyond his years.

  8. I love the header. It looks like those two are smiling. Poor Deets, he just wanted to check on his Mama.. Did you give him some attention when you went out to get the last shot? I hope so, he's so loyal and tempted fate by going up to the door..

  9. The body language in those "confrontation" shots is just priceless - and so dog/cat!

  10. You have house cats, don't you? How does Smooch get along with them? Seems odd that she'd accept them and not Deets.

  11. Awwww, c'mon Smooch, lighten up girlfriend. Deets will talk to Snapper and Snapper will send the attack tarantula over if you don't behave.

  12. Donna, I have three house cats and Smooch gets along with all of them! Makes no sense to me why Deets bugs her so.

  13. Oh poor Deets. Maybe she just wanted to curl up on a little sheepskin rug and warm herself by the fire. Perhaps Wynonna let her share some of her cozy straw bed.

  14. Poor Deets! It seems Smooch is not about sharing.
    Please thank George and Alan for their beautiful calendar, it arrived safely today :)

  15. Methinks Deets wanted to be warm and knew where to find it.

  16. tell George and Alan that i got my calendar today and I love it... my niece was here... and she was talking about the DONKEYS that live near here... and it was not so nice LOL... something about them and their loud braying all night...anyway I am tickled to have it thank you guys!
    Love deets and his attitude, my hank (the feral cat who calls me his human) has the same attitude towards anyone who comes near me except the baby... he will sniff him then run to his chair and watch from afar.
