Friday, November 20, 2009

Care to join me on my lunch break?

Welcome to my exciting life, where every day around noon I step away from my desk and go outside to do chores and have a little fun.


  1. Well, there's a little slice of Real Life on the Ranch! Fill 'em up, empty 'em out!

  2. georgie and gordy11/20/09, 3:50 PM

    Perfect music for that great video.

  3. Loved it! Made me smile and LOL - Nice how your horse helps get the feedng pan in place for you. Perfect music!!!

    Glad I don't need a giant fork to scoop the cat litter box.

    Nancy in Iowa

  4. Now that was TOO cool ... can I come for lunch some day?

  5. This makes me think that any job may look more interesting with some good music. I'll remember that the next time I'm cleaning up dog and kid exhaust.

    Thank you!

  6. That dinner bell sure brought them running! Thanks for sharing part of your day with us!

  7. Fun! I loved seeing everyone in action.

  8. HEY!!! While you're living my dream, could you kindly leave the poop scooping and chunky campbells out of the videos???

  9. I've always noticed, Carson that your place is immaculate despite all the numerous creatures with four legs. Once again you made my day. I didn't work that hard today. Enjoy your weekend with your great pals. They do love to eat kinda like me!
    Best always, Sandra

  10. The perfect life.........boy oh boy, you have carved out a wonderful life for youself. Loved every minute of the film.

  11. Wow - you work HARD! :-) But Smooch? I don't know. I guess that was pretty hard to do those stretches she was doing. lol

    I love the video, that was so much fun...can I come back for dinner?

    So...what'd you do with all that poop? I was waiting expectantly for your giant dung pile. :-)

    George and Alan's hay looks so incredibly green to me. Ours is practically yellow with a few streaks of green in it here and there.

    I hope you do this regularly. I highly enjoyed myself. :-)

  12. Okay, I'm jealous...what a perfect day!

  13. Danni, you know I thought that video could have used a few captions...

    Remember the scene where I dumped the poop from the muck bucket into a larger cart? That cart is a manure spreader. I hook it up to the Ranger and haul it to my sacrifice area, where I drive around in circles and spread it. It eventually decomposes and turns to dirt or dust or something. Anyway, I've been spreading it in the same circles for four years and the ground there isn't getting any higher. Go figure.

  14. I love it. Smooch, the cat, the horses and donkeys.
    Great post.

  15. I'm glad you sorted out lunch for yourself too after all that hard work ;)

  16. I LOVE IT!! I'm totally over here in AZ smiling so huge!! Now how in the world did you video and scoop poop at the same time? You amaze me!!! And you DO work hard, dang girl! Smooch, on the other hand... lol
    That video was fully excellent AND I love that you put it to that music. You kick ass!!

  17. AWESOME!!! Thanks for taking us along! :-)

  18. That was just too cool. I loved it!!!!! I envy you, I do confess. But not in too sinful of an envy type way, ok?

  19. Loved the video!
