
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Weird Wednesday

Every time I turned around yesterday, I was taking pictures. The light was interesting, the animals were more playful than usual, and it was a good day to be outside.

When I downloaded the pictures last night, there were no masterpieces or clever photo essays to be found, just a bunch of pictures of the animals doing weird things.


  1. Funny pictures with lots of yawns ... wonder if they're all still worn out from their company Friday and Saturday?

  2. your animals should have their own show...beautiful photos

  3. Those pictures are great! I swear, it looks like they're talking to each other. George had quite a bit to say, huh? Is Smooch allowed in w/Wynnona & Willie?

  4. whew, I love that camera. and all the critters, of course.

  5. You have quite the comedy club going at your place! Funny pictures! Thanks for the laugh this morning!

  6. Love these pics. What an awesome bunch of friends you have there!

  7. It's fun what you can see if you look! But then I think your crowd is more interesting than most!

  8. George levitating that blue ball in the first photo is pretty weird. And then he had to go and brag about it in the next series. What a ham!

    I've got to tell you that I love that picture of Smooch in the header. She's so beautiful, aware and just looks so intelligent. Quite a watch friend for the group.

  9. Love them all together with open mouths, like a team huddle or something...was it who's taking the net? And, what can you say about Smooch that hasn't been said many times - such a sweetie!

  10. You've had a busy week! Friends, family (critters of course), food, can't get any better than that!

    Thanks for the camera info you sent...greatly appreciated!

  11. Heck, just bein' a critter on the 7MSN is interesting enough!

  12. I love your pictures! You have a beautiful place and beautiful animals! And I want your camera! LOL LOL

  13. Incredible photos, that second one is too, too funny!

  14. It looks like everybody was called to the meeting today. I think they were trying to vote on who is in charge. Gosh even Wynonna and the goat were invited in.
    I place my bet on Wynonna. She sure looks like CEO material.
    Best always, Sandra

  15. **Ahem** wonderful and funny photos, but**ahem** somebody is missing. Maybe he was supervising?

  16. Great pictures! Your animals make me laugh everyday!
    Makes me miss staying home to see all my animals do the funny things they do!! Now that I am back to work, I don't get to see it anymore.

  17. Looks like everyone was sleepy!

  18. Fun photos! My horses ball looks a lot yours.
