
Friday, October 30, 2009


Doesn't seem quite fair to have to deal with snow in October.

All of Deets' plans to scare people on Halloween have been dashed. Kind of hard for a black cat to hide against a white backdrop.

Wynonna's worried that I won't take her trick or treating if the weather stays like this.

I told her she should worry instead about the task at hand – staying warm. She got busy spreading around the extra straw I put in her stall. She's very particular about her bedding and likes to push it around until it achieves the proper degree of fluffiness.

Back inside, Snapper grabbed the best seat in the house, atop the wooly and luxurious lamb pelt that I bought for myself and swore the animals would never be allowed to use. Smooch made several unsucessful attempts to run him off.

Smooch thinks if she stares at me like this I will get her a lamb pelt of her own. She's probably right.

Nothing's going to come between Snapper and his soft and snuggly spot in front of the woodstove.

Not even a big hairy tarantula.


  1. When I left for work, on Tuesday, it was snowing. that's just so wrong on so many levels! I am living in AZ to not have to deal with the snow!

  2. Great post! I probably shouldn't tell you it's going to be 75 here Saturday, should I? Love the 1st pic of Alan. Have a good weekend on the 7MSN.

  3. Lol, wasn't expecting the last pic! Your house looks so cozy, and so does Wynonnas!! What a great deal for a pig!
    Can't believe you have snow already. Brrr!

  4. I love the body language you capture in these photos. Deets is clearly miffed about that snow and Smooch's
    tail makes it clear that the request is polite, but firm.

  5. Oh! My Gawd!

    That's a shock even for me sitting way up here in the NORTH! Somethings wonky.

    Snapper is clearly one smart kitty. I love the blazing fireplace.

    I'm still reeling...

  6. Love the photos! Looks mighty chilly there, though. Good thing you have all those creatures to cuddle up with! I'm not sure I'd be getting out of bed! Have a great weekend.

  7. Looks so cozy inside... and yeah, I'd get Smooch whatever she wanted if she looked at me like that. :-)

  8. Snapper is not impressed. My heart goes out to Deets. Maybe he could dip his nose in the snow and pretend to be Alan?

  9. HAVE MERCY.... i should be ashamed to be in shorts and sandals... its mid 80's here today and quite beautiful!
    yeah smooch would get her own with that look.... look deep into my eyes.... look deep... look. LOL

  10. I don''t think I coulds handle snow just yet!

    Man that is on big spider :)

  11. I'm looking at the pictures of Deets, Wynonna and the crew out in the snow thinking who'd a thought in October you'd be having snow. I look at the inside pictures and 'the' looks from Snapper and Smooch and I'm thinking, "Boy is Carson ever in trouble, here comes a road trip to Santa Fe!", but the last picture sure caught me by surprise and what a laugh I got out of it!!! That is simply too funny!!!

  12. My, my ... what a lovely tarantula. Doesn't look local, possibly an import?


  13. Deets looked entirely out of sorts - his one ear cocked down in obvious disgust - made me laugh.

    Have a great weekend!


  14. Ah, that was terrifying! Considering a post before with an actual spider, I almost didn't scroll down! LOL, that one's OK.

  15. Carson, you are way too bad, arachnidizing Snapper! Will the rest of the gang be dressed up tomorrow?

  16. The year of the World Series earthquake, how I remember things, (1989 San Francisco area), we had a freak snowfall in Northern Kentucky. Snow on top of leaves in the yard. Our hamster, just before the storm, built a nest. He had never done that before.

    Love the pelt.

  17. Your animals do not need to speak to be completely understood, do they?

  18. I can't believe you have snow already! That sucks. I love Wynonna and her bedding, but a girls got to get it just right you know. What's she going to be for Halloween. You've got to post pictures of her in her costume. All your critters look cozy inside the house. Love the lamb pelt. Have a good weekend and I hope it stops snowing and warms up.

  19. Ooooh, Snapper does NOT look impressed with his halloween costume!
    I still can't believe you thought you'd keep that lamb pelt for yourself lol

  20. Who is the wisest of them all? Snapper - definitely! What a perfect, snuggly spot.
