
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday Encore ~ I woke up in a total fog this morning

One of my favorite photo shoots of all time happened just about a year ago, on a rare foggy New Mexico morning. I thought these images were worthy of an encore.

I woke up in a total fog this morning, then decided to make the best of it.

I had to look pretty hard to find the boys out in the pasture, but once I did, I spent an hour oohing and ahhing at the colors and the sky, and took a few pictures along the way. I hope you find as much enjoyment looking at these pictures as I did taking them.


  1. Oh my gosh, those are some awesome pictures! We have foggy mornings here quite a bit and I love to look out and see how different everything looks .. kind of eerie, yet beautiful.

    This morning the almost full moon was hanging over the mountain, giving this valley a beautiful glow, and I watched til it slowly went behind the mountain, leaving me in absolute darkness, but as my eyes adjusted there were a million stars to enjoy. What a way to start my day!

  2. oooh & Aaahh!
    Plus a hare too!

  3. Ooh! Aaahh! We had some lovely fog in New England too this morning. Somehow makes me feel closer to you. But where are Deets' little black cat feet this morning?

  4. Great photos! But the earlier ones need a "Sons of the Pioneers" Cowboy soundtrack:

    Yippee Yi Yay. Yippee Yi Oooooh
    Ghost Burros in the Field

  5. these are incredible, thanks for rerunning them. you could make a calendar on this series alone.

  6. Fog makes for fantastic photos - not that you need fog for that!

  7. Some very special shots in there! Love the capture with the donkey and the bun-rab.

  8. Had to look twice at that second to the last photo to determine for sure which breed of longears it was!

  9. Yes, all these photos are really stunning! But I emphasis the fog11 (wonderful grass color); fog12 (great sky color and cute Alan); fog13 (amazing) and fog14 (amazing the transparent rabit ears) and finally, fog16 (what a gorgeous view!).
    Have a nice weekend.

  10. Great pictures. It's so unusual to see foggy gray pictures instead of the bright azure skies. Makes things look mysterious and magical.

  11. As always, your pictures are amazing!

  12. Awesome photos. I bet you struggle to find favourites.

  13. Beautiful pictures. They really gave me a feeling I was there -- well done!

    And such lovely critters posing, too. :)

  14. Fog may blind for a moment but the beauty that's in the mist is breath taking. Thanks for the photo's. Love and Light, Nina P

  15. Heather in Montreal10/3/09, 5:21 PM

    Just beautiful

  16. So wonderful! I love the emotion each one gives the viewer. What a perfect morning fog!

  17. Great photos. It's so much fun to take foggy photos.

    I love to see different country than I live in, keep the photos coming.

  18. I usually wake up in a fog every morning.....but not the photogenic kind! :P Great fog shots, I love the different edge it gives to pics and the ethereal feel.

  19. I must not have been reading your blog then, so I got to enjoy them for the first time.

  20. I'm so jealous! Fog here just means more tailights on the interstate. Love your photo's.

  21. A beautiful series - I like the fourth one best.

  22. Nice....I love your ability to capture some pretty amazing things - like the rabbit in flight! Cool.

  23. Beautiful lyrical photos, my dear! Mystical, too....Each one is like a special little painting.....And that one of the Bunny Rabbit is stunning---the light coming through his ear like that---GORGEOUS!

  24. Great pictures! Love the one of the bunnie being chassed by Allen.

  25. You have some amazing shots Linda. I'm so loving your blog, and your style.


  26. nice post. thanks.
