
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday Encore ~ Dancing With the Cones

With this season of "Dancing With the Stars" cluttering up the airwaves, I thought it was a good time to remind everyone of who the real ballroom stars are. We met them in this post from last October.

Last week’s pas de deux pleased the judges emotionally but missed the mark technically.

Tonight, trying to move up the leader board and dancing the Cha-cha-cha, George Chmerkovsky and his partner, Alan Dovolani.

Way to go, George and Alan! Let’s see what our judges have to say about that performance.

Hank-o Tonioli?

Bellisimo! Such improvement from last week! Magnifico!

Wynonna Ann Inaba?

For burros who have no formal dance training, I’m blown away. Good job.

Lyle Goodman?

There was very little chemistry between you. It seemed you were arguing. Frankly, it left me a bit cold.

Tune in next week, when our stars attempt the Mambo, and don't forget to vote.


  1. Too funny! You come up with the best comments to go along with your pictures!! I like how you bring back older posts ... I never tire of the antics of your critters.

  2. I think I noticed in your most recent post that the cone has not survived unscathed!

  3. Pat, Jim, Toto and Daisy10/17/09, 5:29 AM

    This "dancing with the donkeys" is sooooooooooooooo clever, as are all your critter posts. You have the uncanny ability to see a story in each of your animals!! We are very much hooked on your daily blog and would like to send in our "vote"... 10++++++++++++++++
    Love from your eastern beachie buddies, Pat, Jim, Toto and Daisy..

  4. Gosh I have to give these guys a 10 for putting such a big smile on my face.
    Best always, Sandra

  5. Very the leg postions...great chemistry...I give them a 10....

  6. Once again, you get the glory for being the first to make me LOL. It was the last shot that did it.

  7. Funny - Deets didn't seem too impressed. What about Smooch ;)

  8. I'd have to out vote Wynona on this one and give them a 10 with a thumbs up! They were mahvelous darling. Such synchronization can only be rewarded with a chance to come back next week and wipe the dirt with the competition.

  9. This post was just way to cute, and gave my morning a good start! Love the burros, and I would actually give them a 10 because getting a burro to dance, well that is an accomplishment! LOVE IT!

  10. 10 if I was voting, they were really in unison.

  11. Oh, what fun you all are! I think they should get a 10 for that complicated maneuver where George tossed the cone on Alan's head and then they both caught it. These guys are talented and will obviously move up in the ratings as the weeks go on. I can't wait to see them dance the quickstep. Those tails will be flying!

  12. Oh my gosh, you are too funny! George and Alan get a 10 from me LOL LOL they always make me smile.

  13. You made me smile once again...

  14. Now there's a reality show I'd watch every week. Dancing with the Burros!

    And I'm with Wynonna. At least an 8.

  15. You are such a goofball. :-)

  16. 10, 10, 10!!!!!! They're killing the competition!

  17. I vote a 10 - they never lost the cone!! Such elegance!

  18. How ever do you accomplish anything during the day with that lot just hanging around being hilarious??!!!! What a zoo!

  19. HaHaHa! Hysterical! (but very well done). They are so cute and you always have such great photos and captions to go with them. Love your blog :)

  20. My vote goes to Deets with the fanciful tail curl while head down in the tub!
    This was great! I can hear you laughing!

  21. Leave it to Len...too cute and very creative! I go for this one as the "encore dance" on the next show!

  22. This is hysterical! I especially love Lyle's expression. Great post.

  23. I think they should get extra points for that fancy cross-stepping.

  24. Totally cracking up right now!

  25. Lovely photos!

    I adore burros. They have so much personality.

    Mary H.
