
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

File this under "What was I thinking?"

When I had the 2010 George and Alan Calendar printed and put it up for sale on Monday, I figured the orders would trickle in between now and the end of the year, I would mail out a few each week, and I would get stuck with a lot of leftovers which I could give away the last week of December, or drop from a helicopter, or something.

Mom, why are we staying up so late?

Ok, I was wrong. All 50 calendars I had printed were sold by Monday night. Not to worry - I've ordered another batch and they'll be ready to ship at the end of next week.

So thanks, everybody!

I tried to convince Snapper to lick all the envelopes, but he was having none of that.

The first batch goes to the post office tomorrow Thursday*. George and Alan are very much looking forward to making you smile in 2010.

*Sorry, guys. The snow is coming down pretty good and the road is a big muddy mess. Today's trip to town has been cancelled.


  1. WOW, that's amazing and I'm tickled for you! Do George and Alan feel the love? Cute reaction by Smooch, who I am sure is thinking next year is her year, and Snapper, welllll, that's asking a lot of such a pretty kitty!!!

  2. I'm not surprised! yay for the long ears!

  3. What wonderful news! Of course, the George and Alan craze would dictate immediate sale of anything that has to do with them.

  4. How exciting! I can't wait to receive mine!

  5. way to go...who wouldn't want a calendar with those loveable guys...

  6. Cool! I ordered one that morning! I can't wait to get it!

  7. I'll be ordering mine soon just gotta get a few bills in order first.

  8. Can you feel the luv?

    I'm glad you ordered more cause I wanted to order too. Just thought I'd meander on the whole thing and now I'm glad I did. I could have been trampled in the rush!!

    We love all the members of the herd!

  9. Wow you sold out fast! Don't tell the boys they might get a little cocky :)

  10. I hope Snapper suggested a sponge, instead of her (or anybody's) tongue.
    Congrats on your salesmanship!

  11. haha, now we get to see the INSIDE cats! I'm sure burros everywhere will be helped by G&A's year-long awareness campaign. Thanks for putting it together for us!

  12. Oooo....I hope this doesn't go to their heads.

    lol...yup...that's a p.o.'d cat. I'll wager she got you up bright & early too. :o))

  13. So what tunes were playing on the ipod while you slaved away? Could it have been George Strait or Alan Jackson? You're gonna have to dig deep into their college fund!

  14. You know.....I had a sneaking suspicion that procrastination wouldn't work for me when it came to George and Alan, yet I did it anyway. I sure hope I can sneak in there before the next batch sells out!!!

  15. That's great. George and Alan are celebrities now.

  16. Faaaaaaaaaaaaar out! Way to go, donks. Your reputation is going to send your mom to the looney bin. Hey, maybe she'll need that helo to get the calendars TO the post office.

  17. It's impossible to let this keepsake pass by. I've had a peek into their lives and will be so happy to see their faces on the calendar in my friend's kitchen in Texas this Feb. Cindy is looking forward to the treat in the mail...she's an animal lover too.
    Best always, Sandra

  18. That is great, Linda! George and Alan will be also celebrities in Brazil.

  19. George & Alan: Internet Phenomena.

    Good for you!
