
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Coffee with the boys

George and Deets and I got together over a cup of coffee this morning to discuss world affairs and whatever else crossed our minds.

Deets expressed his concern that these little get-togethers may happen less frequently once mom has to start wearing a coat and worrying about her coffee getting cold.

George expressed his concern that Hank was about to break up the party.

I expressed my concern that Deets was about to fall off the rail and into the stock tank.

Hank had no concerns, seeing as how the world seems to revolve around him.

Then we all agreed it was pointless to be concerned about anything on such a beautiful morning.

Deets jumped down to go chase lizards.

And I went back in the house smiling, caffeinated and ready to face another day.


  1. ... and all was right with the world.

  2. What a grand way to start your day, and Deets sure seems to provide a lot of entertainment balancing himself on the fence.

    So fall has come to 7MSN too? We had 41 this morning ... that's our coldest so far, but the days have been mild and beautiful.

  3. Its always nice to start the day with a little coffee and conversation.

  4. Sandra from Collingwood10/1/09, 5:28 AM

    Love the coffee klatch!

  5. What wonderful photos. All's well with the world when you've got coffee buddies like those.

  6. Nice morning - wish I had that to wake up to! Instead I get rush hour traffic and morning news. No wonder I hate waking up! =)

  7. Luv Deets! And your new header. Noble dog!

  8. Nothing like sharing coffee talk with the animals first thing in the morning!

  9. What a great morning meeting! I love how everyone aired their concerns and then was able to move on with the day. I wish my meetings worked out like that!

  10. What a beautiful way to greet the day!
    BTW- Your place always looks so tidy and well cared for- just my kind of cowgirl!

  11. The world would be a better place if everyone started their day with meetings like this. Wonderful pictures; I love the deep blue sky.

  12. Ain't life grand? Coffee with friends, friends who don't need you to put another pot on for them. Ahhh...

  13. No one even dares look at King Hank while he sips!

  14. I can't imagine a better start to a day, animals are so wise :)
