
Friday, October 16, 2009

Agreeing to disagree

See George ask Alan if he wants to play ball.

See Alan say no, he'd rather play cone.

See George and Alan be stubborn.

Neither one will give in.

So they decide not to play anything.

See George tell me to go back in the house. The show's over.


  1. Now that's too funny! I can't believe how the boys stand still and let you take pictures like that, but guess they're used to you and the camera being out and about quite a bit. Most of my animals (past and present) see the camera come out and either take off or are in my face. HA!

  2. Love the view of Alan's hindlegs between his forlegs on the last but one picture!

  3. those two make me smile!!!!!!

  4. So funny, I love your burros. They are just too cute. Can we have a video of them talking?

  5. Can I donkey-sit next time you go out of town? Your boys are so funny. Thanks for the giggle!

  6. Very cute, too bad they were so stubborn and no one got to play.

  7. Um, will you adopt me? I want to come live in your fantasyland with you! I LOVE your animals!!

  8. I can not believe how photogenic they are! LOL and your skill as a photographer too! I love you pictures.

  9. Do you write children's books? If not, perhaps you can start submitting stuff like this with photos of George and Alan to publishing companies with the idea of donating any proceeds to the BLM Adoption program. I could see you getting a whole series of children's books going. George and Alan give you so much material to work with.

  10. Yup, they know what they want and they ain't gonna give an inch, or give you the chance to photograph one of them giving in!

  11. Fabulous photos! What sweet boys.

  12. Even when they're being stubborn, they're adorable. I just want to give them each a big smooch on the nose.

  13. Great idea Nuzzling Muzzles. I second the motion! They are so cute!

  14. Very entertaining!! How do you ever get anything done around there?!

  15. LOVE the pictures and your dialogue that goes with them...They are such sweet animals! I mean they look so sweet to me...! And fun to be around, too!

  16. I always smile when I come for a visit!
