
Friday, September 25, 2009

They pay attention so I don't have to

If I paid as much attention to my surroundings as these two, I wouldn't miss important stuff ... like the departure of my swallow colony. I think it's an ear thing.


  1. I swear - I am so in love w/George and Alan......

  2. You are surrounded by cute critters and so much more...I think you are already on sensory overload 24/7...bound to miss an event or three

  3. I'm with Nancy. Those two are chick magnets.

    BTW, I knew I wouldn't get anything past you over at my place today...must work on self control...

  4. The ears have it! They are such a cute pair.

  5. Such a cute pair is right, and better then any home security system!

  6. Wow, I would take a George and Alan at my place anytime. What awesome characters they are.

  7. It always amazes me that my horses sense that I'm watching them through a window. They can't see me because of the reflection, they can't hear me or smell me, so how do they know I'm there? Must be a telepathic thing. Donkey ears are much more entertaining than horse ears, though.

  8. Sandra from Collingwood9/25/09, 5:21 PM

    George and Allen are the best ranch hands you can get. They really do earn their keep. They chase the big bad wolves from the door.
    Au revoir to the swallows until next year. Wish I could fly!
    Best always, Sandra

  9. The best home security money can buy, right there.

  10. Not entirely....they have help from the small furry black guy in the rear.
