
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saying hello to Mr. Fancypants

When Mr. Crankypants and I went to last weekend's horsemanship clinic, my primary goal was an attitude adjustment – to learn some things to help me bring out the best in Lyle and earn his cooperation. I wasn't expecting overnight miracles.

But a funny thing happened yesterday on our first ride since coming home. Mr. Crankypants didn't show up. That's not to say he won't walk out of the barn next time, but still, his total disappearance was quite unexpected.

About 20 minutes down the trail, something even more unexpected happened. Maybe you saw it – that explosive glow over the state of New Mexico when the bazillion-watt bulb lit up over my head? At the clinic, Tom pointed out to me something I was doing with my inside leg on a particular maneuver that was getting in Lyle's way. Yesterday, I connected the dots and realized I was doing that same thing almost every time I asked for any turn. The very second I stopped doing it, I got Lyle's power steering back.

Why didn't you say something, Lyle? Why didn't you tell me I was being an idiot and blocking you from doing the very thing I was asking you to do?

Oh, but I did. You just weren't listening.

Mr. Fancypants and I spent the rest of our ride dancing and gliding around trees and cacti, having the time of our lives, and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face for the rest of the day. All the things I had learned over the years – the horse is never wrong, it's a feel following a feel, give something you never gave and you'll get something you never had – took on new meaning because Lyle and I were in yet another new place. That's why I love this horsemanship stuff – it's a journey that's never going to end, and I learn something every stop along the way.


  1. "Aha!" moments are priceless. Well worth whatever it took to get there!

  2. Amazing, and wonderful! Lyle's a pretty good teacher! And he's a beautiful boy as well - thanks for the lovely pictures!

  3. Congratulations! I'll bet Lyle is really glad you learned something at the seminar.

  4. I'm glad things are going so well for you two and that yesterday's ride went so well. The pictures today are outstanding! Love the light on Lyle inside the barn and the tail picture is absolutely beautiful.

  5. I can feel your joy all the way to NYS !!

    "Dancing and Gliding", that must feel good :)

  6. Love it - I agree with you that one of the very best things about living with horses is that the journey never ends.

    I like Lyle's new name. :)

  7. It's working! And Mr. Fancypants is enjoying the new relationship immensely. (He's been waiting on you to catch on all this time.)

    Great post!

  8. I'd love you to blog about the 'thing' you were doing with your leg to block the turn....

    I rode with Buck Brannaman this summer and I find I'm still processing things he said.

    Do share.

  9. The horse is never wrong.....that is probably the best advice is so true.

  10. Beautiful pictures, as always...and I *love* "ah ha!" moments. While I didn't see the giant flash of light, I did get goosebumps reading about it. :-)

  11. I am smiling for you!!

  12. Lovely post! Tell us, what were you doing with your leg that stopped Lyle?

  13. Yahoo! Great news. Lyle is so beautiful! Love the way you captured the light on his tail! I'm always seeing that, but often have a hard time getting my camera to see it, LOL!

  14. I love that last looks like a tail of spun gold.

  15. So you went to get training for Lyle and YOU ended up getting trained. Isn't it always the way.

    And by the way, Lyle has one nice looking butt! Whether it's dressed in Cranky or Fancy Pants.

  16. Yep, that's how it is huh. I know as long as I keep riding I will never stop learning. I will never be satisfied with my abilities. There is always more to learn. YAY for you and Mr. Fancypants!!!!!!!!

  17. Horses are incredible animals. They still love you no matter what!
    I never knew the power of "Happy Trails to YOU until we meet again". I do now.
    Best always, Sandra

  18. I love that you're still enjoying the bliss from your clinic! Sometimes things just fall into place and it's amazing how different it all becomes so quickly. Happy for you and Lyle! And the photos are stunning - have you ever thought about selling prints of some of your work? You have some really amazing pics - I have a place on my wall for that tail photo!

  19. A "connection" is worth a thousand words....or just one, "Yes!"

  20. Such wisdom. I find that it's rarely the animal who's messing things up. I feel like such a knucklehead when I figure it out and get out of the way.

  21. I saw that I know what it was!!! LOL! Great photos and great post as well!

  22. I've just had a big new success with my mare, and so related to this post. Love your blog - keep it coming.
