
Monday, September 21, 2009

Saying goodbye to Mr. Crankypants

Lyle and I have returned safely from our big adventure, and I think we may have left his evil twin, Mr. Crankypants, back in Albuquerque. The clinic was just the therapy we needed to take our partnership to the next level. My brain is so full of new information, it hurts...but it has lots of company. I'll be back with an illustrated report on Lyle's – and my – attitude adjustment in a day or two.


  1. I look forward to hearing about your successful trip!

  2. That's awesome! I'm glad to hear you had such a great time and learned so much. Big Hug!

  3. It sounds as if the seminar was a terrific experience. Good for you and the real Lyle.

  4. OH, HO, this is going to be interesting!

  5. Sounds like good news - can't wait to hear more!

  6. It sounds like the seminar was just what you two needed ... I can hardly wait for an update!

  7. You look like it was a good trip... with some good stories to go with. Let's hear'em

  8. I thought about you two off and on all weekend. Hey, if you come home with ONE piece of knowledge you can use, you have suceeded!

    Carry on...

  9. Have you ever thought of doing a photo book? You have some terrific photos with lots of personality and the perfect captions to go along with them! Glad your clinic went so well, and that you got Lyle back. =)

  10. Glad you both learned a lot! I love this picture! He has the cutest nose :)
