
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday Encore ~ Rub-a-dub-dub, Wynonna in the tub

Before we say good-bye to the long hot and dry summer, here's another look at how Wynonna keeps her cool, posted originally in August 2008.

It was a hot and steamy August afternoon. Wynonna awoke from her afternoon nap to take a quick dip in her tub and cool off. I know...I know...she could probably use a bigger tub, but I don't think she knows how to swim and I wouldn't want her to drown.

Could I have a little privacy here, please?

She lays down in the dirt and rocks back and forth to coat herself. (Sort of like breading a pork chop before you fry it.) Lyle has watched this spectacle many times before but still can't figure it out.

Neither can Willie.

Don't you just love the bathtub ring?

My towel, please?


  1. Oh my gosh, just about spit my coffee all over my keyboard again! What a hoot!!! She's quite the girl and I love how confused everyone else is ... what a way to start my day, I love it!

  2. Love the smile in photo #5, when she first lies down in the dust. That girl just knows how to enjoy herself!

  3. She knows how to work it... between soaking in the tub and getting dry how adorable is she. I bet she wouldn't appreciate the pork chop crack though. I love Wynonna, what a character.

  4. Bathrub ring -- loved that. After pig sitting the little pot bellied guy I find myself really wanting one...

  5. Wynnona has become such a grande dame.

    My old appaloosa had absolutely no use for swines. They scared him to death.

  6. I'm still laughing at that last picture. Man I love that pig. She's SO funny!!! I can't get enough of her. And love that "breading the pork chop" comment, lol

  7. Great pictures. She is adorable, in a rotund sort of way. The breaded pork chop analogy is hilarious. But I hope Wynonna doesn't read your blog.

  8. LMBO! That's the funniest thing I've seen in a long time :P

  9. What a way to cool off... Gotta Love her style! Grace on the other hand... um... sorry ... not so much... :-D. Thanks for all the smiles! Love and Light, Nina P

  10. Oh my goodness! Wynonna is the silliest pig! I might have to get one of those!
    Thanks for giving me a well needed laugh!

  11. She is so funny!

  12. That just made my day. I can't get enough of my girl! I have a great big smiley face over here. Give her a smooch for me...after she's toweled of first, of course.

