
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday Encore ~ A little cowboy wisdom from Deets

Since Wynonna got to show off her brains and beauty yesterday, it seems fitting to let Deets show off his today, in this encore from January 2009.

Just 'cause you're following a well-marked trail don't mean that whoever made it knew where they were goin'.

It's easy to see the things you're lookin' for. The trick is to see things you're not lookin' for.

When a running horse gets to the edge of a cliff, it's too late to say "whoa."

Nature gave us all something to fall back on, and sooner or later we all land flat on it.

When it's your butt that's about to go flyin', try to have more common sense than pride. Go ahead and choke the horn and claw the leather.

When you get bucked off, the easiest way to explain it is to say you dropped your hat and got off in a hurry to get it.


  1. Did we miss the one where he was looking to see if anyone was watching???

  2. I love the little kitty prints in the SNOW! Nice shadows, too!

  3. great shots!

    he's all like, "doo dee doo, nothing happened here!"

  4. Cats never seem to lose their self-confidence or be embarrassed! Thanks for the funny shots!

  5. What an awesome action sequence! My cat rarely falls, so catching her in the act would be once in a lifetime. Cool!

    I should say, my cat doesn't go anywhere but on the couch and on the bed. So very little falling chances LOL

  6. "I *meant* to do that" ;) Fantastic shots!

  7. I'll remember the hat excuse. I like that.

  8. Burr that looks cold even for a cat. It must have been cold on his kitty paws. Is that s..w just around the corner? I so love summer.
    Best always, Sandra

  9. LOL Silly cat!
    reminders that winter is coming!

  10. Too funny, thanks, Deets, for the laugh! You are one cool cat!

  11. That is way too funny ... sorry Deets for having some laughs at your expense. He is a beautiful, sleek, shiny cat ... right side up or upside down!

  12. Deets knows his stuff! I've had cats that were fearless and would explore the craziest places. One time we had a huge snow and shoveled off the second story deck leaving a one story mound of snow below. We had one that would jump off the deck and land up to his armpits in the snow, struggle out and do it again.

    If there was a dismount from any adventures, the look was always, "I planned to do that and it was perfect."

    Love this!

  13. Cats Rule - bottom line.

  14. Deets, you are the quintessential representative of true cowboy wisdom!! I will come back and read and admire your pics again and again. :)

  15. Deets, you are so cute!
    Love all these photos!

  16. Deets --- we all know you did that just so Linda would have somethin' to shoot! How accomodating you are.

  17. Thank you so much for a good laugh! I really needed it! Thanks Deets!!

  18. Ooops! We won't tell anyone Deets ;)

  19. Well seen and captured - you didn't give that pole a shake did you? hehe!

    One shot of the sequence I really like is the one of Deet twisting as she falls. That is something so quintessentially feline, I'm sure everyone has a memory of it somewhere in their noggin!

  20. Heehee! Very graceful!
