
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I guess this makes me a soccer mom

Hank's expression of steely eyed determination means one thing around here...

He wants to play soccer. So I kick the ball...

He goes after the ball...

He picks up the ball and I give him a big reward.

Then I kick the ball...

He goes after the ball...

The ball, Hank, not the cat.

He picks up the ball...

And I give him his big reward – a belly scratch.

This game could go on all day, but I finally called it on account of dinner.


  1. Cute! We had one colt who LOVED his egg butt ball, even after the dog popped it. I threw the jolly ball out in the pasture for Jackson the other day, and I've seen him sniff at it, but no playing yet...

  2. I never would have thought they'd make such great soccer stars. The cat reminds me of our black cat...he MUST be directly in middle of everything. Even if it means he's mistaken by a horse for a soccer ball. Brains??

    Great post!!!

  3. Aw, so cute!
    And Deets is REALLY trusting!!!

  4. wow a soccer playing horse, cool

  5. Love it! So, what's it like to compete on the field with someone with a two-leg advantage?

  6. Way to go Mom! At least your boy is playing... When my daughter was on the soccer team she was usually too busy picking daisies when the ball came by!

  7. Hank is the David Beckham of horses.

  8. Way to go Hank! Piper has a pink ball. She likes to pick it up by the handle and bob her head up and down so it hits her in the forehead. Maybe she'll learn how to play soccer one of these days!

  9. Hey Carson: You've got enough for a team at your place. Deets is already in on the game, the two guys with the big ears look like they have some interest too from a distance. Now there's Wynonna and Mr. Goat ....goal keepers maybe?
    Always a pleasure to see your bunch.
    Sincerely, Sandra

  10. Hmmmm.....who's training whom, I wonder....? Pretty clever fellow that Hank.

  11. Must be the full moon...Max poodle was hot for a game of ball tonight too!

  12. That is so cute. Deets is very trusting.

  13. You just gave me an idea, I bought a Jolly Ball for my Paint, but she isn't playing with it, I need to go out and reward her for playing with it! Without the cat of course!!
    I love how Deets gets into your all your pictures!

  14. Neither of mine was in the least bit interested in the ball. I finally took it up to Heather's for the babies.

  15. How Fun! He's quite the player!! Handsome to boot! I'll be on the sideline cheering him on any day! Love and Light, Nina P

  16. Too funny! The scratch at the end is the best part!

  17. This is great! If I tried to do this with my horse, she'd just look at me like I'd lost my mind, and then I'd end up fetching the ball!
