
Friday, September 18, 2009

Getting ready for the Curtain to rise

Very early tomorrow morning, I will load Lyle in the trailer and off we'll go to Albuquerque, for a two-day horsemanship clinic with Tom Curtain. There's much to be done today to get ready for this adventure, not the least of which is getting Lyle presentable for his performance.

I believe you get as much out of these clinics as you put into them, so I've spent a lot of time thinking about what I most want to work on while I'm there. Lyle has matured into a wonderful horse – he has excellent ground manners, he's calm and sensible on the trail, I can ride him with a big, sloppy rein, plus he's got enough personality for a dozen horses. The missing piece is a willing attitude. He would much prefer to stay in the pasture grazing with his buddies than be out on the trail with me.

We've made a lot of progress over the summer, and Lyle says "no" less often than he used to, but we still have a ways to go. So my goal for the weekend is an attitude adjustment.

No more Mr. Crankypants,

no more having his mind on his buddies when it should be on me,

no more turning his nose up at my requests,

and I want him to enjoy our rides as much as I do and show his appreciation when we get back home.

Ok, maybe that's a little too much to ask. I'm just looking forward to spending two days in the saddle soaking up everything there is to learn.


  1. Have a good time this week end ... hope you are able to accomplish what you set out to do, and love, love, love those pictures of Lyle. Brought a giggle or two this way in the wee hours!

  2. Sandra from Collingwood9/18/09, 5:34 AM

    Sounds like a great weekend, Carson. Let us know if the student passed his exams. I hope you have lots of good weather too.
    Best always, Sandra

  3. The rain is supposed to give up for the weekend -- your grooming might make it till you get back to the 7msn. I hope the seminar is very worth while -- that means Lyle comes away with a new appreciation for being permitted to accompany you on rides.

  4. Can't wait to read about the clinic when you get back!

    Lyle will be great, I'm sure.

  5. This is hilarious! What a sassy boy! Have a wonderful time at your clinic and I hope Lyle has fun too :)

  6. Good luck with your goals - and most importantly, enjoy yourself!

  7. Sounds like it will be a great experience for both of ya, good luck!

  8. Lyle is so handsome...

  9. Maybe you can adjust his attitude about flossing, too! Loved that photo of him turning up his nose.

  10. Have a great time with Lyle in Albuquerque! For sure it will be an amazing adventure. Great photos too!

    PS: Again, Lucky me! I am the winner of the 2010 George and Alan wall calendar!

  11. Lyle sounds a bit like my Emma, who would rather do things her way.

    Have fun at the clinic, cant wait to read all about it!

  12. Hope you have a great clinic. Share some knowledge with us when you return!

  13. Have a great time! Love the smile! My Arial does that too It cracks me up!

  14. Maybe you can find other participants in the clinic who want to trail ride with YOU and Lyle. I bet the leaving would be easier if he had another horse on the rides with him. Then he wouldn't have his mind on what he didn't have, just on want he HAD.

    Might work....

  15. Enjoy!!

    Bring lots of treats for Lyle, that may help with his enthusiasm.

  16. Oooh, fun! I hope you and Mr. Crankypants (lol) have the best time. If this guy leading the clinic is able to give your boy a new attitude and you come home and blog about it, I have a feeling he'll increase his business many-fold! Looking forward to the stories (and pictures) to come!

  17. How cool is that! That would be so much fun to go to a clinic, with my horse! Have a great time, learn a lot and share, share, share!!
    Lyle looks so thrilled to be going!

  18. Love the photos! You always have the perfect shots for your post. Good luck and have fun!
