Poor pitiful Bernard has been pushing his ball around his corral by himself with nobody to play with, while Justina has searched high and low for a suitable donkey companion.

Yesterday I accompanied Justina and her husband to one of those low places...very, very low. Think 20-acre junkyard. We went to look at a 3-year-old Jack and found him in a pen with two miniature donkeys, a dozen or so goats, and piles and piles of hazardous stuff.

He was a gentle soul who seemed to get along with everybody and loved the attention we doled out, but the carrots? Not so much. I honestly think he had never tasted one before. Despite the scratches, scuffs and scars all over his body, he seemed healthy enough. His owner explained he was "accident prone" and was always stepping on a nail or getting himself wrapped in wire. Excuse me? And whose fault would that be? I about bit my tongue in half trying to keep my mouth shut.

When Justina walked him through the squalor to the horse trailer, little did he know he would be landing in paradise.

Bernard, meet Ellsworth. Ellsworth, meet Bernard. Ellsworth, you'll have to stay separate until the vet gets here to geld you and pronounce you healthy. Meantime, know that you'll have a little buddy waiting to play just on the other side of the barn.

Bernard, don't you worry. There's plenty of love to go around for both of you.

Ellsworth seems to stand a little taller and prouder in his new home.

And Bernard's wishing he could stand a little taller, better to see his new buddy across the barn aisle.

Such a wonderful story, thanks for sharing. Best wishes to them all.
ReplyDeleteThat's fantastic! I'm so happy for Ellsworth... and Bernard.
ReplyDeleteOh hooray!! Wonderful story!
ReplyDeleteI don't know how y'all kept from gathering up the whole bunch of them, but gotta help out that 'accident prone' Ellsworth first. :)
Love those ears. He almost looks like he could be a small mule.
Ellsworth has indeed come to donkey paradise. Seems you have to have at least two of these little guys -- a matched set.
ReplyDeleteThat is a nice story and I bet Ellsworth becomes less 'accident prone' at your place! Speedy recovery on the 'brain' surgery Ellsworth....oh and this caught my attention as I had an uncle that recently passed away from leukimia...I never thought I'd see his name on anything or anyone....he was Uncle Ellsworth.
Aww what a gentle soul. Thats horrible that he was in a place like that. Could anything be done for the rest of the animals there?
ReplyDeleteI just want to cheer! This is a wonderful rescue story. Perhaps someone reading it will be able to rescue the rest of those left behind.
ReplyDeleteEllsworth is adorable! Hope he settles in well and loves his new home.
ReplyDeleteEllsworth is adorable! I'm glad that he ended up with your friend, in a nice, comfy life. I hope the other critters at that dump run across the same luck.
ReplyDeleteWhat a heart-warming story ... I'm SO glad for Ellsworth and Bernard. What great companions they will be for each other!
ReplyDeleteA delightful story so beautifully told and photographed. It must just break your heart and make you so-o angry to see those kinds of conditions, stupidity and abuse. This post is a prizewinner and we'll be looking for updates on his progress and acquisition of ball-handing skills.
ReplyDeleteOh my....WHY are these creatures so cute? I love those ears! Yay for Bernard and his new playmate!
ReplyDeleteGreat photos. I love animals and the only thing I hate about them is knowing how horribly some are treated. That is somewhat mitigated by how wonderfully some are loved.
ReplyDeleteOh boy. This one brought tears to my eyes. This is like a fairytale filled with angels and handsome princes and riches beyond imagination. I'm so happy for Bernard and Ellesworth. Such a handsome pair and worthy of unlimited love. Ellesworth's eyes caught and held me in the last photo with his rescuer. He's a deep well and a gentle soul. No doubt.
ReplyDeleteI hung on every word and photo of this story. What a little charmer he is!!
ReplyDeleteAwww, that's so great!! Places like that make me wonder, WHY can't people pick it up?
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad they have each other now though. What a wonderful home! Ellsworth definitely looks happy in that last pic :)
Yay Ellsworth! This post gave me shivers. I love happy endings. So glad that he'll be in a safe, loving home with a buddy.
ReplyDeleteWow, the pics... squallor doesn't quite do it justice. :(
((applause)) and sigh. Your friends are so good to do this...rescue Ellsworth and provide Bernard with a buddy. They are both so beautiful, it makes my heart hurt. And you know how I feel about donkeys. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh! What a wonderful story and a happy ending (beginning!) for Ellsworth! I wish I could rescue those cute mini-donkeys. So sad that they have to stay in that horrible place.
ReplyDeleteWill you be updating this story with photos from Bernard and Ellsworth's first meeting and some ball-playing fun? They are going to be so cute together...not quite as cute as G & A, though.
What a GREAT Story! Justina, you are wonderful and we miss you!! Glad Bernard finally is going to have a play buddy!
ReplyDeleteyou're killing me, I love borros and donkeys, whatever they are officially called I LOVE THEM. Thank you Linda and Justina for getting Ellsworth into a fabulous new life. Yay!!!
ReplyDeleteEllsworth looks so gentle! I'm so glad for the rescue. It must have been difficult not to take all of them home.
ReplyDeleteKeep us updated, will you?
When I was a kid and went to the zoo, my favorite animals were the mama and baby burros. Ellsworth doesn't realize how much better his life will be from now on.
ReplyDeleteOh BOY! Oboy oboy oboy!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to begin following this new friendship! Bernard and Ellsworth are so interested in each other aren't they?!?!
This story brought a tear to my eye. Actually tears to both eyes. As a lover and collector of lost and wounded souls I want to send kudos and hugs to Justina. What an awesome thing to do. Hope we get follow ups...
ReplyDeleteOH! He's a handsome devil. Lucky Bernard but even luckier Elsworth!
ReplyDeleteEllsworth is beautiful. He looks so sad, I'll bet he cheers up soon. What a terrible place to live in the junkyard with all the nails and wire. No wonder he was full of scratches and such. You're better than me, I'd have had a real hard time keeping my mouth shut.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you and Justina for leading Ellsworth serenely away from that former "home." Substantial restraint and skill necessary. He looks like a sweetheart and good buddy for Bernard.
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy ending is really a happy beginning for Ellsworth.
OMG! That place was a wreck! Lucky Boy to have found a home with your family! I just am longing to stroke those long beautiful ears!
ReplyDeleteGood work!
May Ellie live a long and wonderful life, and his junkyard mates meet a similar sweet fate.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm in love!
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean more donkey stories for when George and Alan are on hiatus?
ReplyDeleteLook at the difference in expression on Bernard in the first and last photos! The photo of the little donkey nuzzling Ellsworth at the junky place is just heartbreaking- saying goodbye?
ReplyDeleteWonderful!!! If only every animal had the chance to live in paradise. But at least one more gets to be there!
ReplyDeleteI'm suprised you didn't come home with the minature donkies and the goats too! :)