
Monday, August 10, 2009

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

Ughh...the bugs, the heat, the hay falling down inside my clothes...everybody around here is a little itchy.

Lyle has his favorite scratching post...

And so does Hank. See the shadow bending sort of upside down to scratch Hank's belly? That would be me. Hank can't get enough belly scratches.

Hank is so appreciative of my efforts, he instinctively reaches out to scratch me back. But that can hurt. So I enlist George's hide to save mine.

I can't even imagine what this chain of grooming love must look like to the casual observer, and once again I count my blessings that I live in the middle of nowhere.

Excuse me? What did you stop for?

Yeah, what did you stop for?


  1. So much fun!
    You can just see Hank's lip go wobbly when you are scratching his belly. You must be a good scratcher.

  2. I love that picture of Lyle... the expression is comical...
    Nancy in NC

  3. Now that is too funny! I see you also brushed Lyle .. he's a beauty!

  4. A whole lotta lovin' goin' on there!

    Bear gets a full body massage every morning. His face takes on a look of pure bliss. :o))

  5. Love the pictures!! And everyone loves a good scratch!!! Found your blog through pioneer women, and so glad I stopped by. I am a huge horse and donkey lover!

  6. And here I thought ranching was all work and no play!

    You and your critters seem like such a loving family. I love knowing such a peaceful home exists in this world.

  7. Wonderful post! Those cuties are so wonderful to see on my computer screen! I've not been able to post or visit much in a while and I had missed them, and you! Hope you are doing well. Great photos! I enjoyed visiting with these guys again!

  8. A wonderful post. They are hilarious together and best friends I guess.

  9. Too too cute! Love the fuzzy chin!

  10. I would LOVE to have you for my neighbour!!!
    I do believe your horses and donkeys smile :-)
    Theresa in Alberta

  11. wonderful pictures to go with the interpretation!!

    Makes me want a donkey too, he is so cute :)

  12. Don't ya think the guys could teach us peoples a thing or two? Not with teeth though, please...

  13. How do you get the burro boys' coats so smooth? They look wonderful!!

    Stetson's and Catnip's are always so rough. What are you feeding them?
