
Friday, August 28, 2009

Relaxed but ready

Even when Smooch is relaxing, she's on alert. This dog does not know mellow. You all know the Pioneer Woman's Charlie, right? Think polar opposite.

Unless her eyes are closed and she's sound asleep, she is ready at a moment's notice to do the next thing, whatever she decides the next thing should be – chase a lizard, check on the burros, look for Deets, look for me...

She doesn't watch the news, so I doubt her orange-level state of readiness has anything to do with national threat advisories, though attacks by terrorist tarantulas are always a possibility. Being alert is just one of her charms. Having cute little feet is another.


  1. i'm not a big dog person, but smooch seems to be very intelligent and interesting.

  2. Now...would it be completely, totally retarded for those little girl nails to have some polish on them? I mean, a rancher girl dog color like...uh, New Mexico Twilight Blue. Talk about a canine fashion statement!

  3. Carson, how much does Smooch weigh? In some pic's she looks bigger than in other's....My dog, Bossman, has taught me a lot about love and loyalty. He's a lot of dynamite in a little package - he's only 23 lbs.

  4. That is the way my Wally is ... either waiting for the next adventure from his favorite perch (usually the back deck) or totally zonked out and sleeping like a log. No in-between with him.

    Smooch is such a pretty girl, even in black and white, and oooh those cute feet ... who could resist her!

  5. Nancy, Smooch weighs 36 pounds and would be 5.1 hands tall if she were a horse. I guess that makes her 21 inches as a dog.

  6. Cloud shares this trait with Smooch. I think it would be exhausting to be on red alert all the time, but he seems to thrive on it, lol.

  7. Smooch is a 3/4 the weight my beloved Marly was, but the two of them have in common that confident awareness, the beautiful deep eyes, and oh yes indeedy, the cute long-toed feet! Marly was an Australian kelpie, and I know you've said Smooch is a Heinz 57, but she looks mighty "cattle doggy" to me!

  8. isnt it amazing how our critters take on almost human characteristics.. i swear my dogs/horses do have a command of the english language :)


  9. Smooch's personality is much bigger than 36 pounds!

  10. Smooch is so very Beautiful. I love her "On Alert" look....She is quite a special dog, isn't she?

  11. Smooch is so adorable! She seems like the perfect ranch dog and is a looker too! It's funny, my dog is the exact opposite. Right now, Grady is at my feet completely passed out and snoring. If I were to try to wake him, it would involve a lot of shaking!! Unless, of course, there were treats around.....

  12. My Sadie is the same way but my Lab Chloe is more like Charlie!
